DC cop waves gun at snowball fight


cop is an idiot for stopping because a snowball hit his car and twice as dumb for pulling his gun but they were kind of asking for it after throwing snowballs at him.

I almost went to that. I heard about it on the radio, they tagged it Blizzardpocolypse… doesn’t look like it was all that much fun afterall!

leave it to the cops to bring a gun to a snowball fight…lol…shady fuckers…

wow. Well that was a mistake.

It kind of seems like they were having a snowball fight, one of them accidently hit the car, then he came out with his gun

i lol’d when the kid hit him in the head when he was radioing in :lol:

Shoulda shot that annoying bitch screaming for his name.
how do you spell that???
get his license plate!!!


the thinger on youtube said they were throwing snowballs at passing by hummers.
so i assume it’s intentional.

shoulda just tazed the ground or something.
zap them all o.O
and himself.
i guess it’s called taking one for the team.

ah yes, just read that lol
stupid me lol

Man those people suck.

lol, its just snow.

Regardless the cops idiocy, throwing snow or ice at passing cars is dangerous and could cause an accident. It wouldn’t have been so funny if they hit his car and he crashed into half of them. Then they only have themselves to blame

throwing snowballs at cars is obviously not cool,

but a cop should never pull a gun unless he’s going to shoot someone. Pulling it because you’re pissed off and frighten a crowd shows awful judgment.


The group throwing snowballs at him and chanting seem like a bunch of douchebags. It’s almost like they have never seen snow before. And then of course they gotta talk back to the cops like real badasses. Talk about a bunch of asshats. If they want to have some fun, keep it to themselves, there’s no need to chuck the snowballs at the cars, especially when there’s that many people around that can easily get into the traffic’s way.

Newman’s lost brother at 1:30 of video?

And yeah what a tool, he just pulls it out for no reason like it makes him awesome.

That cop was a jackass /story

better than bringing a knife to a gun fight.

cops suck .

Obv you are from roc. LOL

yes i am :slight_smile:

oh man can you imagine if your the uniformed officer, who’s on duty and arrive to a crowd yelling things about police, might make you nervous.

I would have got the hell of dodge if a burly, plain clothed individual in a hummer draws a gun, he did point it at the ground but still, should have stayed inside the hummer and radioed in, crowd might have dispersed when the police cars arrived. Poor judgment.

Snow storms test everyone’s nerves, Buffalo usually just sells out beer and everyone calms down.

Need thick skin to be police I guess.