DC cop waves gun at snowball fight

I took this from another forum I am on, I have no idea if it is true but might explain more of the story.

this will be a PR nightmare… what a retard. The people do seem like douchebags though.


Lol, I found this part really funny. Only because last night I watched Hancock and lol’d at the part where he’s like…

call me asshole one more time.

Fucked up on both ends. Obviously it was a protest of some sort and they kept pushing the issue by running onto the street, and throwing more snow balls at him. Yeah it was wrong for the cop to pull the gun but after that they continuously stirred up the situation.

historically proven, snowballs+guns=bad idea


lol, nice

Something similar would happen on Elmwood/Bidwell. Fucking hippy hacky sack playing faggots and tiny blonde girls who think that they’re going to “get his license plate” and get him in trouble.


Would have been sweet if the cops started throwing snowballs at the crowd and then it erupted into a giant snowball fight.

Lol at fucks in this thread defending a power tripping cop, if he pulls a gun out because of a snow ball during snow storm I wounder what else he power trips and overreacts too.

Also fuck the cop that came he never even questioned the detective and stood there like a stupid bitch.

Should we be able to throw mud if there is mud on the ground?

If someone hit my truck with a snowball I’d be pounding heads… even if I just got done drifting in a parking lot and smashing through snow piles. Its my truck, don’t fucking throw shit at it.

Thought this was a forum for people who are enthusiastic and respectful of cars? A little bit of snow and nobody cares anymore? Fuck those hippies. The gun was not necessary… he shouldn’t have pulled it out unless he was going to make an example out of someone and pistol whip them. It only takes one example and all of those pussies would be running.

The senority of the detective that was “power tripping” could have warranted that officer standing there like a “stupid bitch”. Who know if that guy got in trouble with the department over pulling a gun on those people.

So if Obama comes and starts penetrating you in front of your children @ Union Square park; no one can stop him since he is top of the command chain?

Please that officer is a bitch, should have pulled detective back. If he got fired over this he could have sued due to this video.

looks like a good time to me

1:40 is awesome hahahahah

ugh I wish this guy would pull his gun out on you.

made intl. news… apparently the detective is going to be riding a desk for a while.


to be honest, I’m surprised he didnt get shot.

if someone outside of a uniform pulls a gun on you, shoot them as fast as possible.

The number one universal gun rule is dont pull it unless you intend to use it.

Hey tough guy, congrats on defending and accusing then emasculating the detective in one post.

The people were being rediculous. A protest is one thing, but they were being a puplic safety hazard by throwing snowballs at cars on snow covered roads. Also, They were assaulting police officers (yes it is just snow, but it is still assault). They are lucky they did not all get tear gased.