DC cop waves gun at snowball fight

You’re saying that if it was you in that situation you wouldnt pound the shit out of the fucker that started throwing snow/iceballs at your car?

Try that and let me know how it works out for you.

All parties involved need to be backhanded.

Why didn’t the cop shoot.

BIGLOL if that video gets tons of people cited for jaywalking.

it was a cute idea, a big snowball fight, but they should have done it at a park where cars wouldn’t be getting pelted. Everyone involved, pedestrians and officer, were wrong.

What if that Hummer was full of angry menstruating crack dealers instead of a grumpy detective? I bet it would’ve been the world’s biggest drive-by. pewpewpew

I would… but if I had a gun I wouldn’t pull it. Why? because you don’t pull out a gun to threaten someone, you only pull it out if you’re going to shoot somebody.

You see it all the time on shows like cops where an officer preemptively pulls there firearm on someone that KNOWS that if they get shot the officer is in the wrong (typically because they are unarmed and not threatening). By pulling out a fire arm they are escalating the situation instead of diffusing it.

I can guarantee you that if the cop got out of the car and beat some hippies with bare fists the response to the video would be extremely different.

I don’t see much protesting, I see people having a good time with a friendly snow ball fight. People need to lighten up once and awhile and enjoy life

No, my car isn’t a piece of shit that will get damaged by a ball of snow. And I don’t have a short temper.

The naivete is strong in this one :picard:

/sarcasm If obama decides to pound me in the ass in front of my kids @ Union Square, I will gladly spread my cheeks while singing God Bless America. Would I then be able to call my asshole the new Oval Office?
/end sarcasm
Anyone? Anyone?

fuck fggt hippies

Uh, I think it would make more sense if you said “my car is a piece of shit that won’t get damaged by a ball of snow” or “my car isn’t a piece of shit and will get damaged by a ball of snow”.

your post makes no sense.

if you have a nice car, it will get damaged by snow balls…

Just like how high-quality cars like GTOs and civics get damaged by hail but shitty cars like BMWs wont?

If your paint gets scratched by snow you don’t have a quality car, end of story.

I still want to kick all the people in the the vid in the face. The cop is certainly dumb for pulling his gun however those people should at least be punched in the face lol.

Ok fine lets be sensitive I will go as easy as an indian burn!

Ugh that dumb bitch who’s being passive-aggressive (SOMEONE GET HIS LICENSE PLATE NUMBER!!! while the guy and car is within 5 feet of her) deserves to get Snookie’d.

You missed the point. Weather it damages the car or not, people should not be throwing things at your car.

What they should have done was started egging the people throwing snowballs saying “hey, they are only eggs. they wont hurt anything”.

I dare any one of the poeple on this board with a carry permit to walk out in crowded public and start waving a pistol around getting in peoples faces. No matter what the reason for it is I’ll bet money that you either A) will be shot by a trigger happy local cop that never got to pull his weapon out before or B) will be in the back of the cop car and in front of a judge the next day for waving a deadly weapon around like it’s just a… well… snowball

Hey keyboard pussy… stick to the featherweight division and watching MMA on tv. Talking about MMA… and talking about working out and talking about fighting is all your good at. Stick to talking. Men are in this thread… there has to be a little boy thread you can hang out in.

The point is, he shouldn’t have brought out the gun unless he was going to use it.

I can’t help it your POS is impervious to damage from snowballs. Thats not the point. I bet if I pissed on your car it wouldn’t damage it either… but I’d be willing to test that.

Sorry for getting all roid rage on you, there is just something about little bitches running their mouths all the time that get my palms all sweaty. Go do some push ups or something.

That isn’t just a guy with a carry permit. He was a police officer who was assaulted. :poke:

I don’t give a shit if he’s a cop or not. When he came out gun’s blazing he didn’t say he was a cop or look like any type of LEO. He didn’t say that until he got in some ones face and used it to try and make the crowd back down. I’m in the army. want my to carry around my M4 with M203 grenade launcher on it ( loaded) and pull that out of my jeep if a snowball is thrown at me in a crowded city intersection? yeah right. i’d have guns pointed at my head as soon as the first cop showed up! but it’s OK because me dressed in civilian clothes is still Sgt Williams.

What if someone in that crowd was carrying a gun and felt threatened so they drew theirs too? I bet robo cop would have shot um! i mean if a snowball is worth pulling out a loaded weapon… seeing another gun has to be meet with gun shots. All im saying is that in my eyes out of uniform / off duty you’re not allowed to be throwing guns out there and demand the respect that a uniformed officer SHOULD get.

in closing… fuck him


Are you serious?

yeah but see you don’t police the streets, and an you have to check your gun before leaving the base. Not saying the detective was right, just saying your kinda going out on a far limb there.