Dear all Taurus SHO haters:

its only funny because ford did not take any money :clap:

You better buy it from me!:hay:

can you sell though your ford branch?

The difference is that Nissan has enough to keep going for a long time down the road.

Fucking lol :lol:

Yeah, financially stable companies usually ask for government handouts when they’re doing well.

This chart supports your hypothesis

Would you like to compare that to Ford’s? :lol: What a joke.

Someone on here used this analogy I think: If we both go to a casino…you gamble away $10,000 and I only gamble away $10, you would call us BOTH bad gamblers by your reasoning.

If you don’t know what you’re talking about, stay out of gen auto threads.

If you only “think” you know something, spend 2 minutes to look it up.

Plain & simple.

I looked up Ford’s quote before I posted it…a huge $1.8x. :slight_smile:

easier to just run my mouth and then stfu

Congratulations. You typed “F” into google, you are know well enough educated to debate about exactly how stable the company is.

But wait, are you including preferred options? Also, how insulated is F vs NSANY? Can you tell me the cash reserves of each? Oh, and what is the net interest margin each company capitalizes? Hey, do you recall what the R&D budgets were gutted too for each company?

You don’t know. Don’t project what you think or feel as facts into a grown up conversation. Especially considering that this conversation is intended to be about a specific car model - which compares to exactly ZERO NSANY products.

I understand from previous threads & posts of yours that you’re still very young and ambitious with regard to getting a word in edgewise and appearing competent but a word of advice: “In God we trust. All others bring data”

Argl blargl, you deleted everything. Never mind :smiley:

Can’t wait for the SHO to be released.

lol. i bought my beloved cackord for $300 3 years ago. have i put parts into it? yes. have they been normal wear/maintenance parts? def. has it happened often? not at all.

i wish i could say the same about the domestics that were both newer, lower mileage, and with recepts from previous owners for replacements (a complete tranny replacement on my old taurus to the tune of $1600 was done on my g-wagon about 6 months before i bought it. it had already started slipping a bit before i sold it) :bloated:

also, i would say MAYBE ~3% of the nyspeed population could afford a 37k car. me not being one of them, duh i deliver pizzas for a living. of the 3% how many would really look at this car as an option do you think? 1, maybe 2.

one word- yamaha

ive driven a new milan. it was totally meh. that sync thing was bitchin though. then again, it is a ford, it’ll prob break within a year or so

all im saying is you cant give someone a pile of shit, call it prime rib, then expect them to come back for seconds. even if that second time they are actually going to get a delicious piece of prime rib, i doubt they’ll ever come back again

ya man, im really bad at it, srsly. i bought a pie slangin/winter beater car 3 years ago for $300 and im still driving it today with a very small amount of replacement parts. maybe i should have bought a 92 taurus for $300 instead :lol:

When you buy a round steak that was over cooked and sat in the fridge for 9 days while 3 other people picked at it then your an idiot for thinking it was prime rib in the first place. Maybe you should have just actually ordered a fresh piece of prime rib at a decent restaurant, had it prepared to your liking and ate it while it was still warm.



My point is this. You’re views of domestics are based on experiences with vehicles from long ago, and it sounds like pieces of shit you’ve bought along the way with a budget of a few hundred dollars. Ford is not making the same product today as they did back then, so your analogy of coming back for seconds doesn’t hold up.

Just because the prime rib served at a that restaurant hasn’t changed their name in forever doesn’t mean they have not been under new management, hired new chefs, sourced fresher meat…get it? Times change, things are improved, products get better.

Jam was never buying prime rib. He was buying the dollar menu at two different restaurants. Because the one was shitty, he thinks that implies the prime rib there must be as well.

You guys are making me hungry.

prime rib and eggs?

[this also reminds me, i saw an “imports are for fags, buy an american car” bumper sticker on an old subaru pos wagon a few days ago. that made me lol

Maybe he was trying to tell the world something??