Dear cell phone users,


Do you have anything to with billing? I can only imagine how many times a day you’d have to deal with people just simply denying having used as many minutes as they did, or trying to understand their plan.


I have nothing to do with it, but i have to be able to explain it. and yes, you are correct. you’d be amazed at what i have to hear.


ha I worked at Blue when I was 18, trust me we’ve both been doing this for a while I thought I could “only imagine” the kind of people I would have to deal with until I worked there. IT WAS MUCH WORSE

on a side note…Be happy your not management and have 18 people working under you, then not only do you have to deal with your own issues along with also the “let me talk to your manager” issues.


i virtually run a store by myself…


Meh, you’ll end up with some people like that no matter WHAT industry you work in. Instead of being customers, they will be co-workers.

It’s part of life.


yea, i normally dont let it get to me. im pretty mellow. but this bitch caught me off gaurd.

ahh well, i got myself an iced coffee and read the paper. im good now.