DeathbyRT's 2006 Dodge Charger Daytona 1387/4000.

I make pizza’s and deliver t-shirts.

Your fucking with me right? you must either sell alot of shirts or deliver alot of pizzas then haha

Dead serious. I make about 3000$ a month.

Before/after taxes? Not bad.

Pizza delivery makes ALOT of money in the right areas. At Pizza Hut I worked Tues-Sat, all opening shifts, and would take home a minimum of $300 a week in take home cash. Plus the paycheck. Throw in a second job and this is a very reasonable salary



Take home. Not glamorous jobs but, pays my bills and lets me live comfortably.

You do realize that is more than most people take home, right? (in real life, not internetz moniez)

There is a substantially higher fuel consumption with such a profession, though. When I had my Grand Prix I was getting 17-19 mpg with the reflashed ECU. Later on I bought an Aveo. I got 36 regular driving, 30 delivering. It was awesome.

Death, what else you deliver with?

$300 a week is NOT alot of money

if it was alot of money, why were you working 2 jobs?

He said $300 a week in cash PLUS the paycheck… even though the paycheck was probably $3.84 after taxes :lol

your wrong, the only G this clownshoe has in the Grandpoops

and yes death 3g a month is very very good esp in this econ.

Death is the man.

Aww thanks, guys.

i am on welfare and collect SSD and food stamps, i can haz lambo?

death how do you konw where i live dood. what town?

Dont worry about it.

oh shit son