DeathbyRT's 2006 Dodge Charger Daytona 1387/4000.

whatever fag u dont know shit, prove me wrong, tell u what come fuck wit my shit and see what will happen.

ooooooooooooooo shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

You are literally retarded. No one said anything about “fukin with ur shit”. I said i know where you live and it isnt a 250,000$ house. So go fuck yourself you little backwoods pussy bitch.

:rofl… this is exactly what I need right now

tell you what tough guy. Ill leave you alone as you’re not worth my time and your obviously just a immature drama craving facebook typing/ online shit talking faggot You want a real problem, not a typing match , come fucking get one. Any fucking time dude.

nah… just fight him online

im not persueing this loser, the ball is in his court. If he wants a problem, his wish can be granted.

Real life is weak though

Round 1 - GO! :shift

i dont know you atall, but u do realize you are and have been HEAVILY pursueing deathbyrt right? and he apparenrtly is worth your time seeing as you keep posting in his thread and in other threads. also you stated that hes a "obviously just a immature drama craving facebook typing/ online shit talking faggot " butttttttttttt you are too based on reading your other posts and that one i just quoted. me n death had “issues” a while back but now we are all good so thats why im sayn somthing to you cause u look like a dick. if you are what you say, a 25yr old, with a house and a KID and a girl, dont be fucking with ppl and threating them and grow up. u dont make your self look the least bit mature esp after saying all that. just stop.

people spelling pursuing “persueing” ITT

First of all, you obviously have a problem and your little dick syndrome is showing big time. Youre the one, if you remember correctly, that cant take any ball busting and are gonna knock my teeth down my throat. Remember that? I dont want anything to do with you. No one has threatend you or tried to. You keep running your mouth and are obviously looking to have an issue as you keep threatning me and telling me to come get one. Bro, i could care less about your shit life,house,car and girlfriend. i again never said i wanted to go near your “things” or come over to your house, just said i know where you live and its not a 250,000$ house at all and you cant muster up any proof to back up your shit talking. Do not try to be a bad ass to me in person because i promise you, if you come up to me and try to act tough i will put you on the fucking ground so fast you wont be able to see straight for a month. Its cool with busting balls like we do to eachother, i could care less. You have threatend me a few times now and its getting old, so i am warning you once to stop and to not even consider trying it in person.


Nazi mods needed up in here

cliff shhhhhhhhh

Thats fine. Ill take a ban for it if thats what they want to do, no worries at all. But, i am not going to be physically threatend multiple times buy a member on a local online forum who i will see agaib and let it go. Im not trying to attack anyone or go after anyone at all i could care less. But, i wont be physically threatend.

Come at him bro.


Except murrdawg. I will go after him.
