DeathbyRT's 2006 Dodge Charger Daytona 1387/4000.

personal thread… i expect you banned and I want 300 rep points.

It is a very personal thread is it not?

lol for ppl spelling personal thread when its personal “threat” ITT

hahaha dammmit… touche richly, you got me

Yeah, but I did first.

Yah… I didn’t see your shit first. I guess its important to remember that my mistake was simple and by accident.

gotttttttttt em:shiftlol

As simple of a mistake as it may have been, you were still called out on it.


:lol :hug

ahh shit… people on my case ITT

oooo illl get you again

lol at people spelling richy, “richie” ITT


dude death, you konw you been eggin me on for months… remember it all started when you said i dont know shit about cars but in fact, i built my cars and you admitted to never changing an engine? K thats the first time you were wrong, second , im a pussy and wont show up with my car or something like that? Turned out to be wrong. Next , before i even mentioned your teeth, you were saying im poor and shit saying you’ll race for food stamps? ok, normally i dont throw my personal shit in here but ya i do have a 250k house just bought in december which now brings me to our last statement you said, you know where i live (which you dont) what other reason would you say that other that to insinuate your going to fuck with my shit? The only threat i made to you is when you fired me up, i said id punch your teeth in which is obviously a joke. you dont have any. This concludes my arguement.
K thanx

You went too hard… I spelled it richly, intentionly not your name. :haha

Punch his tooth in bro.

Sorry. I would plus rep you but I have to rep other people first, and that would clearly be abuse. Its alright, I will just Neg Kramer for you instead.

haha yessss… I reallllly want people to start neggin kramer

For the record, i do have all my teeth. They arent in the best of shape, primarily the two next to my front two due to being born with no enamel(sp) on them. Which isnt a concern nor reason for me to explain myself. I didnt throw any poor comments around till you came at me,bro. Regardless, you wont do anything anyway so its all good.

I’m beautiful… that’s why all my friends like to hang out with me.

nick the molester has 1. a hot girlfriend, and 2 a faster car than mclaren.

i think thats what this entire debacle is over, no?

:rofl :rofl :rofl

ill smack both ya bitches …