Declaring tickets, what happens if...

Hey guys,
Im still searching for insurance and thinking of using a broker for help. Been looking on quotes online and getting nowhere. (currently getting quoted $900/month with tickets declared and $500 without, still expensive!) Just wondering which tickets i should/need to declare?

I have 2 in 2005:
-speeding, like 10 over. uughh. (went to court and accepted no demerits but paid a fine.
-prohibited right turn. (turned on a street that you cant drive on between certain times, didnt see the sign, once again, fine but no demerits)

3 in 2006: all in one stop(r.i.d.e program)
-improper exhaust
-licence plate improper place
-improper headlights (had blue xenons)
(when pulled over officer offered to remove all charges if i brought my car to court “in proper order”, i did and they were dropped)

These five tickets i was in my dads cavalier, his insurance. i didnt have insurance, not even as a secondary. been clean since!

so now im looking for my first ever insurance and primary, (car is under my ownership)

what do/should i declare? can they check records? anyone have any experience with this?
me:20, g2 (waited way too long) g test set up in october.
Any help would be Great! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

if you dont declare them they will find out and then drop you

If they were dropped, you don’t have to declare them. If they’re on your record, you do. They ALWAYS check for a new customer, the only way your insco can miss a ticket, is if you just stay with them, and keep your mouth shut. If you have a clean record, there’s a chance they won’t be checking up on you very often.

tickets no matter how small is frowned upon… being first time insured isnt gonna help you either… being under 25 is not good… not having a full G is bad as well… buddy dont think your gonna get much better than $500/month

I started first time insurance @ $480/month, 23yrs, 2 minor tickets, full G. so all i can say is YES go with a broker…they ARE the best way to go… heres a few that i have tried and tested… Kingsway Insurance and Economical Insurance give those a try! they were the lowest i found when i first started out

damn ur insurance sucks, i got my full g no tickets only 20 owner and driver of my 240 payin $120 a month with statefarm, ahah, think its cuz my parents have been with them for so long, but yea i got my good student discount rolling and i’ve been insured since i was 16 so i m about to get to the 5 year mark and they said once im 21 it will be 80 bucks a month.


Click Auto Insurance and fill out the info. This is what I used when I first got insurance. I had a decent quote and called the representative.

Good Luck!

thanks guys! so i guess i have to declare only two tickets. hey i heard you can go to the ministry of transportation and ask for your “manifest”, supposedly you driving record of some sort. maybe i can ask the people there what the insurance company will see if they look me up. anyone have any experience with this? thanks for you help.

*check out my ride on, search em_5ive, let me know. been almost two weeks ive been driving it only in my neighbourhood. lol


You only have to declear the speeding tickets!! How long does it take for speeding tickets to come off your record?

minor tickets are gone after 3 years, depending on the month you got those tickets in '05 you may have a clean record now.

shop around man, you can get cheaper than $500 a month, for sure.

i’m with bel air direct and i pay $220 a month on my 240, i’m 20 with my full G. on my record there is an at fault accident, 15 over speeding ticket and failure to surrender insurance ticket (yes, that counts against my insurance with the same weight as any minor ticket)… so an accident and 2 minor tickets.

this fall i’ll turn 21, lose the accident and 1 ticket… that should be a pretty heafty drop in my premium, i’m looking forward to that!

nice. thats perfect. if i only have to declare my speeding, (my first ticket) it may be cleared past the 3yrs soon. other 4 tickets dont need to be declare from what ive gathered up. so nothing to declare if i wait a few months. i tried belair. didnt work for me. $567. i may soon call up a broker. how much do they charge?

just a funny thought. what if i put my ownership and insurance under my girlfriends name? lol clean record and female, g1 though. but i drive it and stays in my possession. can insurance companies figure that out? thanks again guys for the help!

you can’t put her as primary driver because she only has her g1.

you could try your parents.

guess ill wait till she gets her g2. i dont think my parents would work. only my dad drives, and me. he has 2 cars, he is primary on both. if i add my car it will be 3 cars, all primary. they may get suspicious knowing there are two drivers in the household. i wish i could be a secondary, but my mom dont drive. ill just see if a broker works out, if not ill get my gf to get her g2 and change ownership. get my insurance when my tickets are cleared or when im 25! be cheap by then. lol