Delta Sonic Super Lane / Unlimited Washes

if i were closer i would do this.

i bought the super kiss package in December with the applebees giftcard thing and havent even been back to take advantage of the carwash or the applebees.

you guys are saying the wash isn’t touch free though? i ain’t puttin my BMW through a mop-smack wash. F that.

There are hanging cloths that sway back and forth but no spinning brushes. For a daily (that’s not a very dark color) its great.

They limit you to once a day.

I’ve gone twice in a day before…

Car is too low for Delta Sonic :frowning:

And as I already said, I went three times in one day and twice on several occasions.

Wash a car three times in one day? Wowzers.

Mine scrapes but still manages to squeeze on…

---------- Post added at 08:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 AM ----------

Didn’t see your post.

---------- Post added at 08:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 AM ----------


Threads merged. It’s good if you use it a lot, but when you cancel make sure they actually CANCEL the service from being charged to your card.

Did u guys get it from roch for cheaper?

Is Delta Cronic still doing a Monthly charge for Unlimited washes?

Also… What restrictions are there on what can be on the car when going through the was?
I have a roof rack with ski attachment… also mudflaps that hang about 3 inches off the ground. (not sure if that would cause clearance issues for the device that pushes you through)

call and ask them?

Will do, just didn’t know if anyone knew before. I’ve been swamped at work on the phones, typing here was just to see if I’d get the answer before.

They do, I’m paying $16 a month for unlimited washes, but you can’t have a ski rack, part of the reason I removed it. I think the delta on transit charges $22 a month though

Can you have roof bars on the car but no ski rack? (Yakima Q clip style) Or is it a complete remove?
If you don’t know it’s all good, I’ll make the call. Thank you for the heads up though.

I honestly don’t know, I see people go in with a rack on minus a ski attachment, but I’ve also seen racks ripped off cars to so to be safe id take it off completely, but you’d have to ask them. I know you’re closer to Clarence, maybe BCC would be able to help you, I think they charge like $10 to hand wash

Thank you!!! Once I have the bike racks on, it will be much easier to realign the rack back onto the car. This way I have to get the measuring tape out each time I put it back on.

Posts moved to the correct thread.

Iv taken my 05 civic though delta for months with a Thule rack with bike attachment and wind break through for 2 years now. They never said a thing.

Thank you.