DeviousTSI robbed

<------ damn

Honeslty, normally i try to keep cool about this kind of shit cause by now you’d think I’d be used to it and all. It just eats me up to know that we work fucking hard for the little we have and some fuck can come around and just walk with it.

I don’t want anyone trespassing on this property at night and I am gonna make damn sure it doesn’t happen. You know what they say, you want something done right, do it yourself.

jojo, you grew up on the west side I’m sure you know who I’m talking about and if you don’t, If I told you the names I’m sure you would know the guys.

dont worry. im sure some dumb mother fucker will rock em this summer.:shoot:

if someone robbed you and managed to evade two security cameras that would mean that they have scooped out your place for a while an knew where to go to avoid being seen. Maybe the power guy or somethin…idk the setup of your shop but if someone has access to back there id set somethin else back there an put a new camera on that item an see if that disappears. If this person knows how to rob from you with ease there is a good chance they will try that shit again… gl finding your wheels

Edit: although if your openly threating to murder them might scare them off an foil the sting plan…but g/l any way

this shit sux bro, I am sorry hear bout this, let me know if I can do anything, aight.

And for everyone else we are tight community around the local area, so speak up if you know anything, even if it might not be what he is looking for info is info, because who knows the next time it could be one of us posting this thread lets find this person/persons who did this shit and teach them something.

agreed…shoot first ask questions later…bury body near railroad tracks. Sounds like a plan

Yes that is an open promise.

yeah i did grew up on the west side, but most of the people i used to hang out with were ol’farts.


we just had $7000 in merch stolen as well.
half of ours seemed like an inside job tho. thats why every lock was changed, everyones keys were taken away, the codes were changed, and we have a new 6000ft^2 cold storage about to be completed.

fuck people who steal

Understood, I too know alot of people on the west side. That is how we found Todas wheels back in the day, I know all the car guys know all the car guys

that sucks big time…shoot them with no remorse!!! then shoot them again…

new custom title

Don’t worry Don i’m already on it


Ughhh… fucking theives.

that sucks. The 18’s are easy to spot though. I will keep an eagle eye on eghey and the streets of wny.

odd amount of noobs popping up in this thread.

Its hard to look tough with an apple clock and a teddy bear hanging on the wall.

sorry to hear Gary :frowning: I hope you find these people soon.

I’ll give you a hand…

And I’m sure you will see some retard driving in the spring with them on…