DeviousTSI robbed

Thiefs love easy targets, this thread should just remind people to lock down there shit.

If you are going to shoot someone for burglarizing your building or even stealing something on the outside of the building then prepare yourself for prison. If there isnt a threat against your life with a gun or another deadly weapon then you have no justification, for murder or assault with a deadly weapon…

um…someone breaks in and you pull a gun on them and call the cops…what then ?

Just dont shoot him unless he has a deadly weapon, youre actually expected to flee for safety. If youre attacked and he has no weapon then you are expected to protect yourself but it has to be fair.

someone breaks in your house and falls down your stairs, they sue you. awesome court system :tup:

from reading this thread it looks like there are a ton of people that watch Law & Order

yea dude sorry to hear that. I can totally understand why you are soo pissed tho. You said you had about 65000 dollars worth of shit stolen. For most people thats 2 years of work. Pretty hard to recoupe that and still have a succesfull business. Well like everybody else said, ill keep an eye out. For some reason i think tey will pop up at S&R cruise night, lol.

I just got an A in my Criminal Law class last semester. The penal law is sitting my Jeep right now.

color me impressed


This exact situation happened to my aunt. She lives by a bar on the lake. So drunks sometimes throw bottles and shit in her lawn. She cleans up as much as she can but she cant get it all. Well onetime this kid was trespassing on her property, he slipped and fell. Cut his leg on some glass, sued her, and won. Stupid court system. The kid shouldnt have been on her property to start with.


I was hoping for a cookie :(. Id rather see some piece of shit thief go to jail instead o a good person going to Jail for trying to protect his property.

I agree with you 100%. At this point I am not a fan of the legal system as it has failed me 2 times already. :frowning:

I feel like I’m left with no alternative.

This kind of thing can happen anywhere, I consider where we are now and where we were safe. Trouble finds you. I just think its ghey either way

Yep. That was my whole point about wishing the standard for using deadly force was lower.

Like my uncle, who’s a cop used to say, “If you’re gonna shoot an intruder, make sure he’s in your house and the bullets go in from the front”. :slight_smile:

law & order SVU > law & order and law & order CI

hey Kev, maybe it was your “buddy” who stole the wheels…
remember… That “BabY” dood. lol…

i concur


btw i hate that show. every time i turn the channel, that fucking show is on

:joking:with Dwan at ECC? Welcome to a very exclusive club :):joking:

you mean “bebe”. i wouldnt doubt it. i dont like that kid. he gives me his number and its always a dead number