DeviousTSI robbed

That is horrible… but at the same time … why did you leave anything valuable out…

Sorry gary, what bolt pattern were those rims, I have a set of 17"s that I’m looking to unload, i’ll give them to you for free if you want them.

So I look for some help and get a third rate education on the judicial system…Which I know sucks from when my house was robbed 2 years ago. I should have beat that kid to nothing…I let the judicial system decide what was fair. He stole $3000+ worth of stuff that was not returned. I had him and his mother sign a legal statement that he stole it and would pay back everything. The judge decided $900 was what was owed to me…I still haven’t seen a penny.

Fuck the current Judicial system and fuck thieves. Thanks to those who actually keep an eye out for me…no thanks to the hippy ‘don’t shoot him he will change’ crowd.


To all the dumb fucks arguing with Don about his firearms comments, you guys would be saying the same things.

Thanks for listening,
You’re dumb as shit.

GEEZUS. ill buy you a replacement!

now on topic, sucks ass the shit got stolen, ill keep my eyes out.

Don, can i use that shotgun picture as my avatar? You’re fucking scary man!

Those guys really are fucking unreal.


Real quick here, cause American Idol is on…

  1. Point gun to drop theif to knees.
  2. Smash butt end of gun into theifs head.
  3. While they are unconcious, drag them to a desolate area, where torture can progress without interference.
  4. Repeat.
  5. Kill if need be.

Thiefs suck man ive cought a group of 5-6 kids (none of them could have been over 14 ) 2 girls and like 4 boys tryin to steal the rims of my mx6 back when i had it. I live in west seneca, not the west side. What is this world coming to??I mean i could see a few older guys out there trying to get them off but when i hear a noise and look out to see little girls out there , then you just realized how fucked up the world is today.Hope you find your rims ill keep an eye out around west seneca

The only pic of the honda rims…

Well Gary’s helpin me out woth my car, so im going to help you’s out. but i notice alot of shit dissapearing, your rims, my buddys rims,and my rims, shit probably the same group of people/or person doing this shit. But i’ll keep an eye out for them. Like everyone’s saying they’ll probably be on a car in the spring, or on ebay.