
op: don’t be a dick. you put your problems on nyspeed and 10/10 times at least one person will bash you. you gotta take the good with the bad, if you don’t want snide remarks from other people then keep it to yourself.

on topic: i don’t know you or your parents, but if this had happened to me, i’d wait til they get back. my grandmother almost passed away when i was on vacation once and my parents didn’t tell me until i got home. by that point she was well enough where it wouldn’t really seem like there was a huge problem, but if they had told me that it would’ve seriously ruined the rest of my trip.

it’s only a car, hopefully your dad likes you better than it.

thanks rob!!!^^^

this is all i was looking for.

i am telling them. i am telling them exactly what happened.

i was merely asking when the best time to do it would be.

thanks for the great reply!

and im only a dick when people are out of line and out of their minds

I hope JayS doesn’t see this thread…

Good luck, Chris.

thanks matt! truly appreciated

I fuck up on a regular basis chris the best is to tell them immediatly and not try to hide it. If your dads like mine he will yell on the phone.Then after he wont talk to you for 3 or 4 days then you will become ok. I fucked up alot of my dads shit including destroying is 03 explorer when it just clocked 5000 miles(it is also why i refused to drive his mustang and he literally throws the keys to me on a weekly basis).I once destoryed a tire on my moms ranger doing burnouts in the high school parking lot.We do stupid shit while we grow up.I am sure your dad did shit as a kid he is not proud of. I am telling you sitting on this will not help the situation

it’s not a big deal blowing a motor. You can replace the engine and have the car perform the same. It’s not like frame damage or something.

however the kicker here, is that you seem to be implying that you didn’t ask your father to drive his car. Let alone take it to a trackday. That’s the shitty part. If this is the case, it’s not that you blew a motor; it’s that you blew your parents trust, and in a big (and expensive) way.

While I’d assume him to be pissed about the car, I think the disappointment of the situation would be the trust issue. Someone posted 21, I’m assuming that’s how old you are. As we grow up, people (esp our parents) expect us to act like it. when we do stupid shit we would have done at 16 when we’re 21, it’s a bit of a let down. Ferris Bueler was in high school.

There are a few things I would never do; take my dads vintage jazz bass without asking, and take one of his cars without asking. As I never did these things growing up, he let me borrow a '64 jbass indefinitely, and he let me take his 240z to a trackday at watkins glen.

The issue here isn’t the car, or the motor, it’s the trust. It’s broken, and I don’t know how close your family is but that is often a tough thing to truly get back. I mean obviously they will still love you, but fuck I wouldn’t look my son in the eye for months maybe longer if he took my car without asking, let alone took it and blew the motor.

Another factor is the wait time; say you tell him when he gets back. His first question will be “when did this happen?” I’d imagine it would just be another twist of the knife to hear it happened days prior, you two had spoken in the interim, and you didn’t say anything.

Even if it pisses him off and fucks up his vacation, its still the right thing to do to tell him as soon as possible. And as crazy as it sounds, manning up right away is also a step towards regaining trust.

I’m gonna punch you in the kidney next time I see you.




tell your dad as soon as possible. that way he will respect the fact that you were honest with him, and hopefully by the time he gets back he won’t be as pissed


i did not steal his car or take his car without asking. idk where u people get this stuff from. :hang:

my mother and father both knew i was racing it yesterday. maybe not to the extent of a HPDE, but none the less they are aware of my dabbles in motorsport. him telling me to turn it over last night was a slip in his psyche. he has A LOT going on in his life right now and i dont think he was aware that i was racing it yesterday and not today


Maybe I should change that to I am sick of all the people that act old.

if you asked to take the car, and it blew up while you were there, shit happens and obviously he won’t be “happy” but at the same time can’t get TOO mad about it since you did ask… obviously you didn’t do it on purpose

OK now I’m thinking you may be a bit more childish than I gave you credit for.

You didn’t post up what happened. You tried to get all posts pertaining to what happened deleted. Nowhere up here is it explained the circumstances of your situation

So all one is left to do is make inferences. It is easily established that you blew the motor on your dads s2k, but your questions about telling him infer you took it on the sly.

What I gathered out of those 2.5 pages was you didn’t have permission. If you did, it’s not a big deal just fucking tell him.

You made stupid threads. Not me.

Much better. :beer2:


look at the bright side, if you didn’t blow the motor, your dad would have.

My parents would be pissed, because I did kinda the same thing. Just tell him the day before they come home so their vacation isn’t ruined

How do you figure?

well, SOMETHING must have been wrong with it. It’s a honda, It can take a beating, that is what the car is designed for.

But, I was just trying to make him feel better.

You mean, like a money shift?

lol what did you blow up

Personal experience in this matter points to telling them when they get back. BUT, while they are away you had damn well better be lining up a new motor, a place to put said motor in, have the grass cut, floors scrubbed, dog walked, and be ready to get the “we expected higher of you” talk.

In the end, good luck!