

what caused the valves to hit? 5-2 shift? timing belt break? honda wouldn’t make a 9k rev limit if the car wasn’t capable of it, no company would.

Man, so many pretentious high and mighty “adults” in this thread.

I’m sorry to hear about the car man, it’s a difficult situation for sure. I probably wouldn’t tell them till they return from their trip. By then you can lay out a plan to correct the situation, you’ll have some time to recompose yourself and you won’t be dropping unfortunate news on them over the phone. Seriously though, determining a legitimate plan to make up for your mistake is the best option.

There will be a lot of shock and anger/frustration when the news first hits. You can severely reduce the aftermath if you can give them documents and numbers etc so they can have a grasp on what is going on.

Best of luck, don’t mind the hypocrites, I’m sure when they were 21 and on UBRF making bad decisions, they weren’t so eager to take the most extreme high road either.

Awesome post! Rationalizing the situation.

Tell them when they get back, nothing can be done while thier gone and they should at least enjoy themselves.

LS1 swap that shit won’t happen again :tup:

wasn’t it you that was trying to get your dad to order a gtr? seems like all the more reason to go for it.

Unfortunatly it is what it is. The car needs a new engine. Breakdowns happen to everyone at some point. At least there is no body damage and the car is home.

It was rockin pretty good when you came by me, lol.

No need to ruin their vacation, wait til they get back. You tell him while they are on a vacation that probably cost them some good cash and thats just being a huge asshole.


I think that most of us were brought up well enough and have the morals to not take something from our parents,and beat the shit out of it without asking them first. Unfortunately respect for other people and their belongings seems to be something that is diminishing rapidly in todays world.

I vote for telling them ASAP. The longer you wait, the more it’s going to seem like you tried to cover your tracks, or were avoiding telling them. Everyone makes fucking stupid mistakes, it’s how you deal with the aftermath that makes you a good or bad person. Be completely honest with them, no matter how upset they might get - they have reasonable grounds to be pissed off. Call them up, apologize for springing this on them while they are on vacation but that you wanted to be upfront with them and let them know you are handling the situation by doing X, Y and Z.

Tell them you have something to tell them… and leave it at them… Hype it up to no end… BUT DON’T tell them.

They’ll think you killed someone or got a girl pregnant.

When they get home you tell them that you blew the motor… and it will be much less than anything they were thinking.

hahahah. ur such a joke. go take your ugly, ass-faced pug for a walk. oopps sorry i meant ur wife. ur pug is actually pretty cute:fry:

i would seriously like to see your driving ability before you go questioning mine. :picard:

clearly someone didn’t see Risky Business.

Tell him now. In the end he’ll appreciate the honestly and how mature his son is more than any material possession, he’s your DAD. But you’d DAMN WELL better make it right and then some…

and that is why ur dog is ur wife and ur wife is a pug. pugs fucking blow. how often does ur wife tighten the reigns?:rx3:

Okay children, this is getting too personal.

Oh dear.


I am sick of all the fucking old people around here, I would have did the same thing if my dad had an S2K in the garage.

sad to say but when it broke there was no overevving or anything. he merely downshifted for 2nd into a turn. I was in the car so i know. And he is a very good driver so…

thanks pat:cocktease: