DirecTv Users/Lovers/Haters, Come on In.

what exactly does that mean? 786/128 256/256 isnt that like, the fastes/slowest kbps it will run?

Those are the up/down speeds.

For as little as I use my connection at home I could probably deal with 56k dialup if it weren’t for the waiting to connect thing.

Intertech can also sign you up for DSL on the spot too. If you choose to switch to DSL you can go through them also.

Ah don’t worry about me. I can’t always get to setting people up right away, so if you were in a hurry you made the right choice.

Now TW is threatening to drop Fox and WB49 the same way they dropped NFL Network.

I would love it if this really happened.

cable sure is going down the shitter.

What about the equipment costs? is there any and installation costs?


It was $200 for the HD DVR. If I wanted just an HD Receiver and a regular DVR it was free I believe, but I have to be able to DVR HD. With the $20 off for 10 months it will pay for itself anyway. And like I said before, this DVR is so much better than TW’s. If when I switch to Dish my options were to get the same HD DVR I had with TW for free, or pay $200 for the Vip622 I’d pay the $200 in a heartbeat.

Hell yes more work for the satellite guys on the site!!

With Dish Network, all equipment is free, (unless you want a HD-DVR, then its a $200 upgrade. You get it all back through refunds though.) There is a $49.99 activation fee, but if you sign on for 18 months, you get that back too.

Thanks for the info :tup: Much appreciated.


So, I’ve now checked out a couple of DTV installs, and it’s definately better then TW on most fronts.

I was given a very neighborly tour of a recent Dish install today. It’s markedly better then TW and notably better then DTV (IMO).

It amazes me how much better the PQ is with Dish Network. Dish = TW^2, or DTV*2

Hopefully I’ll be up and running soon.

PM me if you get Dish, I can refer you and get you an extra $50 credit in the beginning and $10 off for your first 10 months…

Sent you a PM :tup: lets talk in more detail.


just ordered up direct tv im thinking i should have looked around m more first im thinking i should cancel and go dish network instead

Saw this got a bump so I figured I’d throw this in. I’ve had mine about a month and I’m still very happy with it. Had one outage, during those 70 mph winds. I think it was simply rocking the plywood on my roof. I’m going to get up there on Saturday and see what I can do to lock it down a little better. Probably add some 2x4’s between the rafters in the attic to give it something a little stronger to bite into.

There is still time to get Dish!

I am now referring everyone over to one of our top sales guys. Anyone interested in Dish shoot me a PM and I’ll give you his number. Thanks to TW, I don’t have time to do anything anymore!!

Anyone Interested in DirecTV Shoot me a PM and I will have our sales Call you.



Thanks for all Your help :slight_smile:

Rumor on the street is DirecTV is raising their package by $5. It was accidently posted on their site and taken down this morning. Not sure how legit it is yet. Anyone know anything about this?