Can anyone explain Hd lite to me. I know Voom sucked and that’s why they went under, but it also was terrible timing for them to jump into the HD industry.
As far as the DTV HR20, I have had mine for a long time now and have had 0 problems with it, and I have 4 other R15-300’s in my house and they all work great. Most the time when I hear about these “terrible problems” with our equipment, it ends up being the user and not the equipment.
Also most of the HD I watch is off my off-air anyway regardless of whether or not we added 500 more Hd stations all I really watch is local anyway.
On Topic: I find it hilarious that every time someone posts about the satellite it turns into this^ all this person wanted to know was if they could get the Sabres game, and yes you can.
u wont be able to get locals when they come anyways with ur regular dish.