Dish / DirecTV + Sabres


As far as the DTV HR20, I have had mine for a long time now and have had 0 problems with it, and I have 4 other R15-300’s in my house and they all work great. Most the time when I hear about these “terrible problems” with our equipment, it ends up being the user and not the equipment.


Now you’re starting to sound like Time Warner. “Our stuff is great, the issues are users issues”.

When I was looking there were pages upon pages of posts of people pissed at how buggy the HR20 software was. These are high end technophiles, not grandpa pushing all the buttons at once. If you honestly deny there were major issues with the HR20 I don’t think I’ll ever be able to believe another post you make about DTV.

I’m not saying a software update hasn’t addressed some or all of the issues in the 5 months since I was looking, but don’t try to say there has never been a problem.

Just a sample: