Dish Network Customers

MSG Buffalo HD? How about when cows fly? Now that the wheels are falling off the Sabres bandwagon I don’t see Dish making it much of a priority.

I would think they would want to make it a priority in order to keep up with TW and DTV, but I am sure they could care less what the Buffalonians think.

It’s all about business decisions. I can see why DirecTV did it; they’re the supposed sports king. A large chunk of their customers are sports nuts. TW spent the money to get it because they had gained a horrible rep in WNY and people were bailing to dish in record numbers.

I don’t think Dish has a big enough financial incentive to make Buffalo MSG HD a priority. Not sure about SpeedHD’s ratings but they probably fall into the same category. Though doesn’t speed carry a bunch of Nascar now? If so, I could see that one coming soon since Nascar brings a lot of viewers.

Speed HD is currently offered by DTV.

I do enjoy the 722DVR, program guide, and Bobby’s service, but the lack of certain HD channels is killing me.

I figured DirecTV had SpeedHD… Again, they’re the “sports leader”.

Right now there aren’t enough channels that DirecTV has in HD that Dish doesn’t that would make me give up the superior hardware you get with Dish. OTA HD and 3 tuner recording > *. The Sabres WERE one, but I don’t see the team being much fun to watch for a couple years anyway unless management finds a way to remove their heads from their asses.

I would like to see Buffalo locals in HD for those times when I want to record two HD feeds on the local networks at the same time. I have a feeling those are coming soon though.

I got a customer blast e-mail that they’re launching in may


Antenna will still be my primary because uncompressed > compressed, but it will make a nice backup, especially when I want to DVR 2 local channel shows at once. When I saw they added Plattsburg, NY locals and not Buffalo I was a little pissed.

I was told by a certain member that HD locals will be out in may.

And, I’m completely with JayS - uncompressed OTA > *

I just hate that my DVR always chooses the regular def feed over the OTA one unless i manually go in and change it every damn time. Also, it would be nice to not rely on my shitty rabbit ears that freeze up at inopportune times on channel 4, particularly when someone walks by the antenna

Yea the VIP Hardware is just awesome and the Dish software is damn nice. But DirecTV’s HR20/21 software is pretty damn nice. I still don’t understand why they limit to two recording at once. HR20 and HR21 with AM21 == 4 tuners total that would just rock. If I was working for TW and getting my stuff for free it would be a really really hard choice between DTV and DISH.

Edit also the HR20/21 hardware is equally as impressive it just has some rather stupid restrictions probaly via DTV’s software.

Full local lineup? DirecTV likes to say they have buffalo local hd’s but they only have NBC, ABC and FOX local feeds.

What DVR do you have? Mine records which ever channel I select. If I tell it to record CSI on 4-1 it has never tried to record it on 4-0.


Bunch of new HD today:

World Fishing Network HD

wow, there’s a channel i couldn’t do without :bloated:

how about fucking Speed in HD, or Spike

Any new info on HD locals?

Haven’t heard anything, but they did dump all the garbage voom channels Friday so they have a bunch more bandwidth to play with.

no more kung fu hd :tif:

First RoadHouse Grill closes and now Kung Fu HD is gone. Zerodaze is going to snap.

Oh, your not kidding! He loves that Kung Fu channel!

no shit, you may as well cut out the mans heart