Im done, I’ve made my point. We could go back and fourth for weeks. It’s turned out to be nothing but a giant cluster fuck. Basically I just won’t do work for members here that I don’t already know. Everyone else can go elsewhere. / thread

What’s wrong with keeping word of mouth and still taking potential clients that belong to the website? The work you do is amazing, enough people on here know you by now and i’m sure plenty of people on here could recommend you for detailing. I’d like you detail my wife’s car at some point.

Red let it be man , word of mouth is the best advertising when your good . I do a lot of work thru p.m,s and whatnot . Right now everyone is heated so don’t stop your work esp when your good .

maybe I worded it wrong, I will still do work the way I have in the past…word of mouth. Its been that way for years and it works great. I’m saying that I’m done trying to promote my work on here as its just turned into a headache. People who come to me ill be happy to work with but im done trying to “sell” my work. In other words no more monthly specials, or discount for shift members and other stupid stuff like that. Either way its my off season so I have all winter to think about what I wanna do.

I better get a hookup .

relax you big horny pig.

Oink oink

I’d like some closure by setting the record clear

Dave I like you, I like your work and I have no problem with you. If you have negative feelings with me over this I’ll be quite upset as I’ve went out of my way to try to make things work.

I saw you making threads about your work and I couldn’t let them stay when there are sponsors who pay to advertise on the site and they have issues with such threads from members marketing their work. Ever since we got sponsors it’s been like this.

I tried to organize an agreement where I wouldn’t have to delete your threads and you could still get work done. Since it didn’t make sense to make it a monthly thing I tried to arrange it a by the job thing where you only pay when you get work.

Wanna call be an asshole for that? Go ahead although I went out of my way to please most everybody by leaving your thread up and not just removing and telling you that it can’t happen.

Granted it failed with you, as there was no way for me to keep track of the work you done other than through the site among other issues. On the other hand this same formula is still being used with other members with success, take it as you wish.

I’ve written that agreement off as a bad experiment. I haven’t texted you since august about the matter with exception of an October when you yourself brought the issue back up and texted me. I haven’t been asking for money.

Now out of the blue your “friend” comes along talking shit out of his ass like he usually does when he has no clue on the matter and he dragged you along his shit trail through the public eye. If you have an issue about this it’s with him not me. I came on the forum to scoop up the shit trail left behind TDI Logic, scoop it up by the bucket full and shove it back into the mouth it came out of to defend myself against stupid accusations made and clear out the situation.



It’s not the first time he has done this and I’m sure it’s not the last. Next time he starts shitting out of his mouth again and causing headaches I’m just going to reach for the Tylenol labelled as perma-ban, worked well last time I got a headache.

Otherwise it seems that things are back to normal. If you have any concerns or anything else you’d like to discuss feel free to PM me on the matter.

With friends like that, who needs enemies. :dunno

pjb lives at home lol…good shit isnt he like 30?

my uncle lives at home still @ 42…

Lol pjb def has relations with his family

No comment

atleast I dont do steroids.

What does that have anything to do with being 35, having an extensive hot wheels collection, and living at home still?

so I aged 5 years now?

So I have a hobby, big fucking deal. Its not illegal and its not hurting anybody.

Ive made some financial mistakes in my life, again not hurting anybody, except maybe myself. Working on those issues now, including the selling of my car which paid bills.

Guys let it go , jellies hasn’t hurt any of us . So he says some dumb shit no and again but the kid will help ya anytime . Obv he is ok with what he does and at the moment he can be picky about what he does , one day he will realize what he needs to do . Untill then leave him the Fuck alone

I do steroids? Really well why dont u get ur broke ass living with mommy while looking up under sge porn ass off your moms couch n get me a test that shows im on steroids and ill gladly take it…just cause i got my shit together and dont even need to go to gym to stay in the shape im in dont mean u need to hate and talk about stuff u have no clue about…i stated facts…so seriously buy the test buddy and ill take it…

Jellies gregg isn’t on roids lol

Well the roids shit is in relation to what this thread is about in case you forgot. (Greg, not John)

And Ive got no clue where this underage porn/molesting bullshit comes from because theres no truth in that at all.

Ive got a job so its not like Im some welfare collector living off the system.


WAIT, so you can rip (lol) on pjb about living at home , which everyone already knows and its old as hell now,

BUT when he says something thats not true and stupid, you’re gonna get butthurt


not a single person ITT cares a enough to donate a single shit about whether or not you’re on steroids LOL seems like you’re building a complex over it

duddddddddddddeeeeee thats sad.

dont hit me