:lol @ don’t hit me.

  • reps will be accepted

Everyone needs to calm down , this thread is allllll over the place lol .

In reality, anyone that excessively picks on PJB is just bitter and unhappy with their own failure of a life, and sees him as an easy target to take out their aggression on.

YEP thats what im sayin

To a point , jellies is a great guy . Buttttt he should be on his own or at least have a girl that’s on her own . But if he is ok with his current state who are we to tear him apart , but he does pick on people and shit sometimes that he shouldn’t just do to the fact that it is hipocritatcle .

yeah it doesnt matter what hes doing or where hes living thats not our business honestly, i think its cool to rip on people for the dumb shit they say on a daily basis, but we already touched on his living situation and it was funny for 4 minutes

Plus rep (srs, just need to get to comp first).

singh or whatever ur name is…lol its def not giving me a complex…i spoke facts he speaks out his ass about shit has no clue about…dudes a loser plain n simple…

he knows nothinbg about me to even have a come back…ive stated true facts about him…

so pull something out of your ass for a come back…

i wasn’t really planning on having a comeback i think i said enough in my one post

and before you edited your post i felt like that was enough said as well, no need for the extra nudge lol

:rofl “singh…or…whatever your name is”

dude… its s p e l l e d the fuck out on this forum in text watcha mean “or whatever your name is” ??? :lol

nah but its cool , pjb is a looser and you’re a dumb asshole who gets butthurt on the internet. soewutt ?

jesus cries

And round 10 battle ITT starts now.

oh yeah, truth like the molester shit and all that. Real truth douchebag.

Yeah, I live with my parents and collect diecast cars. Ive mentioned that before myself so its not an insult to say that.

Youre just an internet tough guy douchebag.



plus rep pjb, neg rep slowgto

Fuuuck why do you people rip on people who live at home… If we got along with either of our parents enough to live with them we would in a heartbeat!!! Saving mad $$$ FTW…

seriously, who are any of you to judge where or who pjb does or doesnt live with. grow the fuck up.


I do steroids.

Agreed. I still live at home. Why?

  1. I live in a nice ass house for free (tried slipping them rent money but they give it back - gotta love that)
  2. I have a heated garage and lift/tools to work on my car (this won’t change even when I move out, but still)
  3. Plenty of land (2 acres) in a nice quiet country setting
  4. Free meals, etc.
  5. No utility bills other than cable
  6. Cause I’m 24 years old. This trend of moving out when you’re 18 is f’in stupid and fiscally irresponsible/dumb in my opinion. Actually studies are showing that more and more 20 somethings are living with their parents these days.
  7. I get along with my parents
  8. It’s 7 miles from my nice IT job, thus allowing me to have a short commute and thus less commute expenses, allowing me to save/spend money on nicer things such as my car, photography equipment, etc. instead of living paycheck to paycheck worrying about how to provide for myself.

I do pay for all of my own stuff including medical, insurance, cable, tuition, car payment, etc. etc. but just don’t pay rent and utilities.

That being said, I’m will be moving out in 2012 as I am getting married sometime in late summer. With a steady foundation that I’ve built simply by living with my parents, I’ll be good to go in this new part of my adult life.

I’ve saved a lot of money by living with them (and learned some tricks along the way of how to manage money better) and do not regret it one bit. If anyone has any issues with that, you’re a moron. Plain and simple.

The only issue(s) I have with PJB is his reluctance to look for a better job because of his standards. The rest of the crap you people post is ill-advised and I’m surprised it has been allowed to continue/happen repeatedly.

wow very well put. Im 26, own a lot of shit and building my own house at this point. All because of things you named above. I do pay for all our cable/tele/internet and groceries, clean the house, make meals and so forth. I beat u! haha