lucky fucks
Haha. Yeah I do chores too…they have a lot of stuff they need help around the house with which is another reason why it’s better I live here with them.
Where I come from/how I was raised…most of the men do MINIMAL cooking/cleaning. We’re never asked to do it, and most of the time by the time you get home, it’s already done. We do more of the ‘labor’ stuff. You know, a man’s work…:lol.
I’m a neat freak to begin with, so my stuff is always clean. But, as far as cooking, I will be the first to admit I can BARELY make something like Mac and Cheese :lol. Momma spoiled me :lol. No worries though, my GF is a GREAT cook. lol.
Haha, yea, you wouldnt last in my house hold. We all do the jobs, even after I mow, stack wood and work my job at the Grid.
agreed with both im 20 and in the same shoes as you, i pay for all of my own things, cell phone, both cars, and i also pay the internet, phone, and cable since i use it the most, cheap way of living at this young of a age, likewise until im getting married i have no reason to move out!
dude you’re 24? thats news to me i thought u were like 30 :rofl
damnnn ahahah
i live at home but it makes me feel horrible i hate it, i just can’t afford to live elsewhere unless I room mate / wife it up and I refuse
All I want to say is there are a hand full of people from here I unfortunately only met in real life once or twice… Of those the first that comes to mind when I think “hell of a dude, easy to get along with, never have to worry about being a douchbag…” is Paul. PJB is a great dude, gets ripped on WAY too much and its getting old, quick. It just goes to show you though, all the shit thats thrown at him over the years, i never saw him get butthurt like MANY of the chodes around here do in an instant. Never calls people out first, doent jump to “Ill kick your ass, come at me…” or throw any real low punches.
A hand full of people maybe should take note.
I would live at home if I liked my family. But I don’t. I am 100x happier having my own place.
yeah dude i never seen this dude loose his cool over ANYTHING anyone said, and you say one stupid ass thing to this “SLOWGTO” guy and hes acting like his mother was just fornicated with or some shit.
props to PJB, i never realized that, but its true he’s never gotten butthurt once, at least from what i’ve seen
Yeah without saying names, I will tell you some first impressions made me think they were real douchebags when we met, and their actions on Shift more or less solidify my first opinions.
While on the flip side, I give major real life rep to those who act respectful outside shift and can still bust balls here and there on the forums, BUT dont cross that line on here and have to pull the “But I am not really like that in real life” bullshit. Why not just type on a keyboard like you would speak your words face to face???
I just dont understand how people can be happy with living that way. Everyday having to put people down, intimidate, and bash others just to feel accomplished when they look in the mirror when they go to sleep. I dont need those people in my life, thats for sure.
Darryl put it pretty well the other day when he said ‘on the internet, no one types what they would say, they just type what they think…’
makes sense to me !
except for me, I type alot on the internet and talk alot in real life. :rofl
Also, I for one act online like I do in real life… Don’t beat around the bush, man of action not one to sit back and piss life away, wont take shit from people when it comes to the well-being of my family, friends or myself, and show respect to those who show respect to me. Its really not that hard to type it on a keyboard, how I would speak it in public. :dunno
:rofl :rofl
Nah man, I’m 24. I get high 20’s a lot though :lol.
Am I a asshole ?
Listen its simple…the thread here started over a close friend of mine that u douchebags had no consideration that yetti and i were close to him…people make mistakes but u guys wanted to keep adding to it…so my problem with paul is he kept his shit up here then he started going to facebook with it on my friends pages…so he can talk about a close friend of mine who passed and cant defend himself but i cant talk about how hes 50 living with his momma and still can only afford agarbage truck…if he respected the fact my friend died and deaded it i would never even said a word about him…i mean shit i was even gonna buy that mustang till i saw his true colors…i dont give a shit what any of anyones friends on here did if they passed id never talk shit outta respect…i asked for it to stop and he kept it up here n facebook…so guess what now i do have a issue with him…
And singh what u dont get cause u dont even know me…i can take and give just like anyone else in here…until im purposely disrespected…ive had more people off this stupid site think one thing of me till they met me…everyone whos met me off here (of the people i actually took the time to remember cause they were cool guys)HAS a different view of me and none have ever came back on here and talked negatively about me…so make ur comments on a guy u dont know…
Listen its simple…the thread here started over a close friend of mine that u douchebags had no consideration that yetti and i were close to him…people make mistakes but u guys wanted to keep adding to it…so my problem with paul is he kept his shit up here then he started going to facebook with it on my friends pages…so he can talk about a close friend of mine who passed and cant defend himself but i cant talk about how hes 50 living with his momma and still can only afford agarbage truck…if he respected the fact my friend died and deaded it i would never even said a word about him…i mean shit i was even gonna buy that mustang till i saw his true colors…i dont give a shit what any of anyones friends on here did if they passed id never talk shit outta respect…i asked for it to stop and he kept it up here n facebook…so guess what now i do have a issue with him…
And singh what u dont get cause u dont even know me…i can take and give just like anyone else in here…until im purposely disrespected…ive had more people off this stupid site think one thing of me till they met me…everyone whos met me off here (of the people i actually took the time to remember cause they were cool guys)HAS a different view of me and none have ever came back on here and talked negatively about me…so make ur comments on a guy u dont know…
cry me a fucking river. Like people wouldnt talk shit if me or anybody else died being an absolute retard.
And my car sold without the help of anybody on Shift. Craigslist ftw.
Pjb ur just garbage low life trash
and youre just an internet tough guy. How exciting.
Atleast I dont do steroids and get myself tazed.