do you/have you smoked weed?


I wish I could see results day crew VS night crew

dont drink, dont smoke

never saw the point…Plus Bob Marley sucks, so …

Day Crew vs Night Crew died hard once karma went away.

Bunch of dick-riding dick-bags :slight_smile:


Never touched it. Never even tried cigarettes


high w/ no hangover >>> drunk w/ hangover. been about 5.5 years for me. i don’t drink to get drunk either.

things just slow way down for me, and i lose sense of time. i don’t get paranoid, so it’s always been good experiences. i got into it for knee pain and it worked 100x better than advil/tylenol so i kept with it til the knee was healed…

been about 5.5 years what?

I agree that medical marijuana has its uses, but did it really help your knee injury? I don’t know if I fully agree with that.

lol, sorry. since i’ve done it. it made the pain go away, not to recover. i’d do it after i got back from physical therapy when it was all sorts of inflamed and throbbing, just made the pain subside for those few hours.



People would be surprised how many professionals and “leaders” in society partake in a little green now and then.

you’d be amazed at how many enjoy the nose candy.

^ so true.

EDIT: to avatars statement… but i guess evolves too, although i’ve never even been in the same room as the stuff.

never touched it

i will say, when i broke my leg i did smoke weed everyday and it was wonderful. it was the best painkiller i have ever used…

You chug beers and smoke weed more than anyone.



I’ve never understood that. Nothing wrong with smoking imo (not that I do it). I know many people that are very successful and smoke regularly… don’t believe everything you see in the movies. There are a lot of losers that smoke the shit too, but there are plenty of losers that prefer alcohol (or no drugs/alcohol for that matter)

to each their own

i have tried it twice. went all through hs and college with never touching the stuff. decided i was old enough to not let it influence my life, so i decided to give it a shot

never actually got high, and it got in the way of becoming RPD, and might get in the way of getting into border patrol.

def not worth all the coughing i did.