man law says:
If you are a guy who hangs out with women for the “fun” of it, you’re GAY
You have the wrong view on this. If you are always there, you’re “the friend” and nothing more. And I’m going to guess you’ve never hooked up with the girls you hang out with on a regular basis.
lol at karter.
when you are comfortable with your sexuality you can hug your guy friends, tell them you love them on the phone and generally hump/tackle them on the ground
Girls are fuckholes with no conversational skills
you are gay
You also sound like you do not get laid at all, if you are worrying about your “chances” to get laid. There is more than enough time to meet/talk to chicks and bang them. You don’t need to prefer to hangout with them.
Then you aren’t hanging out with them for companionship ( or whatever gay term was used ) reasons.
Idiot, it explicitly said, in imbecile friendly terms, “NOT FOR BANGING”
DUDE! Thats not what BroSearch is all about…
Any dudes that prefer to hang out with dudes wanna hang out?
Deuce tonight fagggggg
I can hang out wit just chics, but not every fuckin single day. Like maybe 1-2 times a week. Every other time is dudes, or mixed dudes/girls at a party.
And girls do have conversational skills (but yes 80% are pretty much retarded), i can handle hanging out with a dumb chic if shes atleast hot, but i do know some who are actually smart and/or are “one of the guys” while still fuckin hot.
watch out, they are crazy.
the MightyDikes?
I had to think for a while. I do enjoy hanging out with women for purely plutonic reasons, but in small doses. If you’re a guy hanging out with 3+ women you either:
- Eventually get wedged from the discussion because it sways too far from rational
- COMPLETELY lose interest
- Get overly distracted by cleavage
- Are a fag and converse actively all night
In general. Depends on the women. Some broads aren’t that bad. It’s just that when you get a group together the conversation will inevitably drift to gossiping about the absent group member (1) at which point (2) or (3) take over.
So I voted hanging out with dudes. If I’m going to shoot the shit and drink beers all night then point me to the sausage party. :shrug:
I’m under the impression that once certain (read: most) straight people reach a great age, their lives become vapid wastelands full of kids, campers, and consumer electronics.
Be careful out there.
So I vote for lesbos.