Do you want the drinking age changed to 18?

Coming from 1 of 2 of Shift518’s raging alcoholics!

That’s why i don’t drink, i hate feeling like shit/sick and/or not knowing what i’m doing

sometimes, I’m big enough that it takes in insane amoutn of alcohol in a very short time to really get me WASTED, which I don’t like at all…three or four of GOOD beers (SA Hefeweizen ftw.) give me a little ‘happy buzz’ and I’m straight.


Hardly, read above post, I don’t usually get shitfaced unless it’s a bday party or somehting eventful, on weekends I just go play some card games and get buzzed and play wii with a couple good friends…nice way to round out the week.

yea what he said, its gonna take a long time


ya well i never took it over the limit tho i mean the amount of times i puked was a grand huge total of 4 times, and 3 of those was when iw as under 15 and the last one was the last time i got drunk, st patricks day etc

when i used to drink, i used to drink often but always sobered before i went to bed and i wasnt a fuckin lunatic either

I think everyone can agree that getting wasted 100% sucks, for me getting buzzed was were it was at




Yeah Singh you’re a lunatic sober!! :lol

hehe yea you got that right, but if you ever noticed people who are hyper like me and they drink and they chill out, thats what i did

i love gettin shit faced. i vote no on lowering the age as well.

I’m almost 27 and have never had a drop of alcohol, but since I was 14 I’ve had more friends than I can count be the weekend drunks and think it makes them cooler and more mature because they drink. I’ve watched countles friends get arrested, car accidents, lose their license, fights, lose friends, fail highschool, get knocked up…the list goes on and on. The only good thing anyone of them has said about drinking was “yo I had fun lastnight/that night”. Not worth it. Now since they have grown up and matured…they hardly ever drink because they understand that. One of my pet peaves is when kids as young as 14 up to 20 all brag about parties and have pics with beers in their hands becuause that’s what they think older people do to be cool. I’ll try to explain a big part of my reason as best as I can…
17 year olds(just a random age under 21) have to find someone atleast 21 to buy them alcohol. When I was 17 I knew plenty of people 21+. But how many 13-14yr olds know someone 21+ good enough to have them buy alcohol? I’ll bet it’s slim to none. But I also bet that kids 13-14 know someone thats 18 good enough. If they lower the age to 18…it’s just going to make it easier for MUCH younger kids get their hands on it.

  1. i cant believe you never drank alcohol… ever… i mean its all good… but thats amazing i once met a girl who said she never ever drank soda… needless to say that whole deal was over pretty quick cuz apparently there a few other things on that list she hasnt tried lol j/p

  2. the last part of what your saying is a really good point, so yea… uh good job, heres a ninja :ninja

I have drank on the weekends hundreds of times, and maybe twice during the week, never been in a drinking related fight, car accident, run in with the law, none of that shit…it’s not the alcohol itself that’s bad, it’s the person drinking it, if you feel (@ Jeremiah) that you can’t make the right decision about who/where you drink, I can see why you wouldn’t drink.

ya the thing is everyone is different i mean, some people get drunk and happy, some people get drunk and sad, some people get drunk and want to fight

and for those people, fuck them, seriously if u get drunk and all u wanna do is fight thats gh3y

Angry drunks ftl.

ya =/ :frowning:

Im 27 so I dont give a fuck

I did not say every person that drinks does that…I’m saying that that without the abuse of alcohol, none of those things would exist. Now lowering the age to 18…gives a WHOLE LOT more people the chance for any of that to happen.

I think it has to do with the fact that alcohol is “illegal” to purchase, posess, and consume under 21. Something with that coupled with our society’s youth makes kids want to do it more, IMO. How many adults do you see getting smashed with their friends every weekend? Casual drinking, yes. But binge drinking? Not many, and when they do the frequency is much less than that of individuals under the age of 21. When I went to Ireland, kids were drinking (it is Ireland after all), but they were doing it responsibly and they weren’t getting shitfaced to the point where they were puking everywhere.

Every person i see/hear that supports the lower it to 18 uses the “if it’s legal they won’t do it as often, do you see adults doing that?”…No, you don’t see adults doing that because most of them have responsibilities and decent/good jobs. People 18,19 years old don’t have as much priorities and responsibilities to be taking care of. You can’t say that kids under 21 do it more because it’s illegal and it’s exciting to do it because you’re not supposed to, or that they can’t do it as often. I see more people under 21 drinking during the week, on weekends, whenever than i see people of legal age doing it.

The whole argument for lowering the age this time is that it will reduce the people hiding while they drink and hiding there drinking issues. Course thats just a MAJOR band aid to the situation which is the alcoholism and all those things. Its more of the band aid shit that the US loves, kids are misbehaving in school? Blame the teachers when they stand up for them selves don’t blame the parents for lacking the ability to parent. Get shot? Sue the gun company. Get fat? sue fast food companies. Get lung cancer? Sue the cigarette companies. And so on.

ya thats what i was getting at etc

but i dont even care, who gives a shit what they do :lol