Dodge stealth no fire!!!!!

yeah, my old tempo would not start if it was cold, but i don’t think it was fuel lines… it just wouldn’t start. the starter did not like the cold. if it didn’t start on the first crank, i was fucked. I used to stuff an electric blanket in the engine bay at night.

lol… you had an emo starter. Most starters don’t have feelings. Something more than, “it didn’t like the cold” was obviously wrong. Probably cold + some failing electronic part = more resistance = no start.

i think it was resistance in the starter itself. It would crank, just really poorly. Could also have been power wire or ground wire… or corrosion in the solenoid…

No the car is not still for sale, it’s a lost cause, anyway it was not bone dry, between a quarter tank and E, and I cant smell gas I the camber so i assmue it is the pump relay or fuse, and I did recently blow the fuse In my dash and tail lights.

Selling it is your best option, and it’s not a lost cause. Get it running again AND DON’T DRIVE IT. Put it up for sale on, and hope it stays running long enough to dump it on someone else the way it got dumped on you. From your threads I can tell you don’t have the mechanical ability to avoid having this car destroy you financially. Cut your losses and get out. Buy something cheap and reliable (read not sports car).

AKA 1/8 tank of gas???
Spray staring fluid in the TB, if it fires your problem is fuel related, if not its spark, then work from there, K.

Ha Ha, thats funny, I’d love too but I really am not in the position of not driving it, anyway, most of the thing that have broken are inexpensive (axecpt for the alternator which was my fault) and OEM, and it is a 91 these thing do go, other than that it 's fine, and u are right cheap sports cars are no good.

OK I,ve cranked and cranked this thing, over and over, and I cant smell any gas, normaly by now it would be fludded, so it is fuel no doubt.

Oh yeah, and If u want to talk about it being dumped on me, talk to one of our fellow nyspeed memers, who refuses to chime up on these “my car’s fucked up threads” on if he ever had probloms in the past.

did you try jumping the relay?

I couldnt really find the realy ? I’ll have to check the owners manual but its probably labled somthin stupid.

I’m willing to take this verbal ownage, only beacause u always give me the info that gets the problom fixed right, thanks, I guess

I know the fellow NYSpeeder you are referring to. And he told you what he was told when he bought the car. He got the car cheap because it was leaking power steering fluid. He fixed the power steering and then posted it on NYSpeed for sale before he had ever even driven the car. Then he drove it for the few weeks it was posted and never had a problem wit the car. You bought a 14 yr old $1500 car and guess what you got. A 14yr old $1500 car, who would have thought you might have to replace some things. Don’t try to say someone dumped it on you. If you had some mechanical know-how maybe this wouldn’t be an issue. Maybe he should have put in the for sale thread this car will eventually need to be maintained and will not run for ever without proper maintenance. But most people assume already when buying an older high mileage cheap car that they might have to replace a few things.

Well I’m sorry, let me refrase that, I have no problome with what else is going on with the car they are small thing that are fixed easily, and yes it is an old cheap car things go, fine, I’m hinting at more the fact that when I test drove the car the clutch was fine and trust me we tested it good. suddenly when I pick it up the clutch is fried, OK I dont want to blame anybody for anything but stupid me did leave it at his house after paying for it and suddenly it is broke, Ok the fact that he never said yeah i was driving it and this happened kinda pissed me off, cause he is refuising to speak up on what happend, cause if he honestly didnt fuck it up, thats all i need to hear, I just dont think a clutch wears itself, do you ?

Nah, didn’t mean it as ownage at all. I saw myself make the same exact mistake you’re doing when I was younger. Trust me, that car will fuck you up financially if you don’t just admit you don’t have the mechanical skills to keep it up yourself. That’s stuff you can learn, but it takes money and time to keep repairing it, and that much more money when you don’t have the time because it’s your DD.

On to fixing it. The relay might not be labeled at all. If you have a service manual (factory, haynes, etc) I’m sure it will tell you where it is. Some cars will run if you get them started, even if the relay is fried. Basically once the car gets some oil pressure the oil pressure switch tells the fuel pump to run. I used to start my money pit, I mean first Fiero, with a can of starting fluid all the time. It would blow relays about once a month and at the time I didn’t have the mechanical knowledge to figure out why. Not sure if a Stealth will do this or not.
Good pictures of the pump relay, and how to bypass it.

Before you go through all that, have someone try cranking it while you tap the relay with a screwdriver. If it’s just starting to go it might start right up.

Thanks I’ll try that, speaking of tapping it we just had a s-10 blaxer at school with a bad blower motor, we started tappin the realy and it worked, for how long knowone knows, so we’ll see.

STARTER FLUID IN THE TB!!! spray the piss out of it, try to start it. if it coughs, spray more!!.

Have a friend come over and spray it when your cranking.

Do something suggested in this thread before you draw conclusions. Please don’t turn this into a copy of your clutch thread where you asked the same questions over and over, ignoring all the advice you got. Yes it does sound like you’re not getting fuel, but do something to positively diagnose this. Then move forward to diagnosing why you’re not getting fuel.

Not being able to smell gas doesn’t mean anything.

OK kill the info for now cause I’ve taken all the suggestions, but cant do anything now cause the car is not on my property and cant look at it till tommorow, I’ll update.

Good luck!