Does anyone else really like....

You bet!!!

Every Island in Greece has a nude beach somewhere. Unfortuantely you rarely see hot women at nude beaches for some reason so I don’t bother going… plus I don’t like getting sand between my butt cheeks.

I wouldn’t go to a NUDE beach, cause dudes would be trying to pick fights with me due to me having a bigger penis than them.

good point… no one likes sand in those places, plus sand is terrible for bacteria

who needs nude beaches when the chicks are wearing basically nothing anyways.

seriously though, what are you doing on here? Get out there and start laying the mack.

I hit the beach every day, except when I have to work then I’m traveling and I don’t have time for anything. Lately it has been a little slow at work so I’m lucky I get to stay in Greece and enjoy my summer here but unfortunately it won’t last long, it looks like I will hit the road again in about 2 weeks to receive the shipment of vehicles arriving from North America and then I will have to do the distrubution and have them delivered to various dealerships in Europe and coplete the pain in the ass paper work that goes along with it…I fucken hate paperwork, …especialy when it’s not in english.

I go on the net at night time if I got time, there is a 7 hour difference between here and Toronto like right now it’s 2:45am here and it’s 7:45pm in Toronto. If I don’t keep in thouch with my world back home I will go nuts. If I don’t keep in touch with everything in Toronto and you guys I will come back and I will feel like I just got out of jail because I will have no idea what happened and all the changes will seem weird and all.

I even listen to the news on and listen to music in LOL! Yeah so even though I’m so far away in spirit I’m there LOL!

A lot of girls go topless at non-nude beaches in Europe. I remember being like 10-11 years old, running around the beach with a boner cause the titties was out :smiley:

LOL, the best thing about that was no one could probably see your boner too! :lol:


Hey man, for a ten year old, I was impressive. Plus, we didn’t even know about boxer style swim trunks back there, you could definitely see the tent on the speedos :smiley:

On Michael Jackson’s behalf, I must ask you to post/scan some pictures and post them here.

nom nom nom nom