Donald Trump a cheapskate?

[not this time]

Donald Trump isn’t a cheapskate when it comes to good service.
The real-estate mogul left a $10,000 tip on an $82.27 bill Monday at a restaurant in Santa Monica, Calif., reports.

Billy D., a waiter at the Buffalo Club, got the gargantuan tip after the Donald complimented him on his dinner service, reported. Trump and a colleague had dined on pasta and soup with cappuccinos for dessert.

“What’s the biggest tip you ever got?” Trump reportedly asked Billy.
Jerry Bruckheimer comes in a lot," Billy responded. “He tipped me $500 on a $1,000 check once.”
“You’re very good at your job,” Trump then told the waiter.

When the down-on-his-luck waiter saw the tip Trump left, he couldn’t believe it, the site reported.
“I actually tried calling his office to say thanks, which is impossible,” he told "So if you’re reading this, Mr. Trump, thank you!”

Pretty damn nice gift if you ask me.


SHIT i get excited if its over $10

Master Card?

Doesn’t make up for being a waiter you’re entire life. lol But I’m sure in other areas people can do pretty well on tips alone.

Kind of sucks Trump has the worst Hair EVER

Dont hate. He has the power to buy your entire family and turn them into waiters. hmmm, In fact I will send him an email. :ohnoes:

Sucks it wasn’t cash. Now he has to pay tax on that. lol

oooo email!

Whats that?!

I’d take it, even after taxes it probably over 6k for just bringing a man soup & pasta lol.

Nice cheap publicity for Trump since Celebrity Apprentice starts in a few weeks.

$10,000 is cheaper than a bunch of ad spots on 2, 4, or 7.

that sucks now every other tip he gets won’t mean shit…even $500 ones

I went to high school with donald trump (jr), I can totally see this happening.

if I was donald i’d be pissed that a copy of his receipt with the last 4 digits of his card number are all over internet/news now

lol I was just thinking that. Last 4 of a Mastercard and a copy of the signature…

At first I thought this said; Donald Trump, a cheesecake.


I’m sure someone of his position has people on top of people watching charges and his finances 24/7 so I bet he could post his social, his mastercard number, his signature, and nothing would happen lol.

Why is trump signing anything?
I would think he would have “people” to do that.
Usually people at that level don’t want their name on any expense records incase they are questioned by the IRS about it.:biglaugh:

haha. everyone of that guy’s coworkers HATES him.

FOX now reporting it’s all a HOAX!