Don't EVER buy a Hyundai... EVER!

So my mom’s 2002 Sonata V6 is immobile once again, having blown it’s SECOND automatic tranny this year. Impossible? We sure proved them wrong. This car receives zero abuse from it’s owner, as my mom is literally the only person to drive it, I’ve never even driven it once since it had it’s first tranny replaced. Also, when they replaced the tranny, it had to go back for service twice, once for a clunking, b/c they didn’t re-mount the motor properly, and the second time for a speedo sensor they broke while re-mounting the motor properly. This car has also refused to turn on for no apparent reason on numerous occasions leaving us pretty pissed, and then turned on without a problem an hour later. One of the fog lights kept dying, so we eventually decided to not replace it anymore (after the 5th one), and it’s been plagued by “mysterious sounds” that go away and come back throughout it’s entire life. The brake rotors kept being destroyed within a very short time span until we decided to replace them with aftermarket ones (they’re fine now), and the stereo sometimes likes to not work out of spite.

Next time you have a problem with your 240, think back to this, and rejoice in just how reliable and dependable our little Nissans are. I mean, they’re between 7 and 16 years old for crying out loud, yet still cause less shit than this 3 year old car.

thats total bullshit, are all those costs covered by a dealer or was it a private sale? for a 2002 its got some serious problems… geta nissannn

In the family we have a 98 Ford Contour (120KM+), a 99 Hyundai Accent
(150KM+) and a 92 Nissan 240sx (156KM+)

And only the Nissan is having a bitch of a problem. The ironing.

Being in the Automotive industry I see this shit every day. There is not one automotive expert that would ever give a automatic transmission from Hyundai a thumbs up.

Anthony it could of been worse! Your mom could of bought a VW and had everything go wrong!

Every make has their good cars and bad cars just some makes Like Nissan have more good then bad… A lot more good then bad!

since its kinda the topic I was looking for…

what would be the best type of car for a mom. I’m interested because my needs a new car soon and I just wanna get some input

whats your opinion on certian cars… good&bad.

My dad is driving his Sonata (V6, 2000) until he gets his 300C. The only problem that he’s had so far was the output speed sensor, which had blown. Its a extremly comfortable car but its slower than molases.

My mom just bought a car last year, She bought a 2001 Buick Lesabre limited fully loaded. Good old 3.8L V6 from GM (Can’t go wrong with that engine). Very reliable and 220 hp is good too.

If she didn’t buy that she would of bought a 2002 Nissan Maxima or an 2002 Altima 3.5

She also looked at the Accord EX V6, Acura 3.2 TL, Camry XLE and Lexus ES 300.

We stuck with the Buick because she had a Buick Park avenue before and she had no problems with it and I still have my 1991 Buick Lesabre 370,000 km’s and still running strong and I never had to do anything to it other then regular maitanance. God bless the people who made the 3.8L 3800 series GM V6 motor,… pure bullet proof!

Try owning a Caravan that’s been through seven transmissions - and getting warm welcomes (or chuckles) from transmission shops…lol.

I can’t think of ANY automobile with a worse known (but covered up) transmission issue. Apparently the new ones still have it too…

Anyway, thanks for the heads up!

My mom also has a 2002 V^ sontata. it has also been through one trany and an alternator. i think there was something else too but i cant remember. luckily it was all covered under warrenty but its still a hassle. we made the dealer give us a rental each time it was in the shop for more than a day. i thought ours was just a lemon but i guess there might be something to these things. it hasn’t given us any problems in the last 6months to a year though and its otherwise a very nice car. nice interior, nice stock sound system, decent power. i would recommend this car if it wasn’t for the problems we have had because it is a great value,.

^^^ It hasn’t given you guys problems in the last 6mths to a year because you havent driven it. :lol:

Do you have any video’s of what you do to that Sonata or what Mark does to his moms 300M?

The tranny swaps were dealer covered, but a lot of the other shizz was not. Like the damn fog lamps. However they did not give us a rental last time it broke, and I have no clue if we’ll get a rental this time around.
We’re keeping it for another 1.5 years till finance is done and we can sell, we can’t get enough money for it (no one will give even close to what is owed on it), but possible candidates for a future car for my mom: 3 Series, G35, 4Runner, Pilot. She’s looking at either a nice performance/luxury car or a midsize SUV. She used to love the Pathy, but hates the new redesign.

330ci or G35x. :slight_smile:

the G35X is actually slower then the “normal” 4-door because of the added weight of the ATESSA (or ATTESA…whichever one it is) AWD system.

my uncle has a 2003 Sonata, said he hasn’t had any problems with it yet. i’m just waiting for something to happen, since he just got it. he got sick of his Chrysler Intrepid (also known for tranny/headgasket issues) and switched to a Sonata. touche.

New Hyundais are quite a bit better then the old ones.

theyve been getting good reviews lately

KIA, Hyundai, Geo, Daewoo… that shit is for the poor… comon
american cars are bad, but damn…
you gonna import a red flag next?

the north american skyline (g35) is the way to be.
its getting awd and stock TT soon for the GTR model… surprise surprise…

something every mother should have! :!:

Keeps the son happy too :smiley:
Well, truthfully she wants either an SUV or a 3 series, I’m the one that’s trying to talk her into a G cause it’s such better value than the beemer. But she prolly wouldn’t be looking at a 330Ci either way… that shiet is pricey, prolly a 325i or Ci.

yeah my mom has to give back her company car in about a month (2004 Accord V6 4-dr) so my dad is thinking of leasing a 3-series, G35, or something to that effect for our next car. i’m obviousley steering him to a G35.

My mom just got rid of her MGB and bought a 2000 Miata.

This thing is pretty cool. It is cheap to maintain and purchase, and a ton of fun! AND you can drift it, well sort of…

That car definitely gets my vote!


my family has had alot of hyundais, as my dad works for them. i dont know if were just lucky but, we havn’t had any major problems with the cars at all, my mom has a 1999 tiburon (the new 07 is going to be RWD)and its been into the shop acouple times for minor things but nothing major, my aunt and cousin both have 02 or 03 sonatas and theyve had no problems, the sonata was actually voted best quality in its class by J.D. power with i think 4 out of every hundred cars with major problems and all the other cars had more(second place was i think the camry), looks like u just you just got back luck man, anyways try and convince her to get the G35.