Don't I have the best luck with cops...(story)

That is some funny shit. :mamoru:


Pull over… be sure to signal or turn on hazards… turn off your radio… turn on your interior lights… roll down the windows…place hands on the wheel … yes sir/officer… sorry sir/officer… etc etc

If you have to reach to the glove box or center console, let the officer know what your doing… wait for his instructions before getting papers… aside from having your license out…


Im not saying you did any of these things or didnt do them… just a heads up… basic etiquette, its not difficult to be let go 90% of the time…

having a 100% legal car helps out immensely

If your on a bike… do the same thing… signal… pull over… I take my helmet off RIGHT away every time, because my ipod is typically to loud to hear anything lol… turn the bike off… set the helmet down… maintain eye contact… keep hands visible… etc etc

BE polite as always

Yeah, good luck getting that dropped because he didn’t use a meter. :lol:

Not to change the subject, but isn’t the 219 55mph?

For a while, yes. It bumps up to 65mph, but I can’t remember where.

Good luck with this.

You are a smart man, I’m going to take this in to consideration. I am not disagreeing with anyone. I know I was wrong. But I think the officers were just as wrong the way they treated me

I Let that crack out right before I pulled away, trust me, If i was a smart ass right off the bat, then I deserve everything I had coming, But I was showing utmost respect to the cops the entire time-even though It was tearing me up inside

But it does look good though eh?

this was after the OP exit heading south…it’s 65mph all the way to springville

and a big PS:
The officers said “TINTS”

“do you know it is illegal to have tints on your window”-officer douche nozzle #1

Edit: I also woke up this morning with a nice fat lip and a cut on the inside of my lip due to my face making contact with my hood. Yummy.
What I would do to be able to swing at that officer with no consequences…ahh I can dream can’t I?

If you really want to do something, file a lawsuit against the officers. I believe they’re required to tape every pull over so stuff like this doesn’t happen.

No argument there. It’s just not worth the hassle, especially if you’re someone who tends to drive on the aggressive side.

As it is you’ve done enough that a cop now knows you, which is never a good thing. Time for a stealth makeover for your car and driving very lawfully for a while.

If you really do have visible marks from the cop roughing you up I’d be talking to a lawyer IMMEDIATELY, as in before those marks disappear.

Yep take picture, document and get a lawyer.

I don’t know for certain, but I believe every NYS trooper has a dash cam.


All kidding aside, thats really shitty. if you’re already looking at hiring a lawyer anyway for the ticket, call them immediately. If there is camera footage the lawyer will know how to get it. Scary how many shitheads like these guys have badges.

I’d probably just let it go and save yourself the hassle. Dont let it get to ya. It could easily happen again with different cops and what are ya guna do go file a suit everytime it happens? It’ll drive you nuts. Your car is all blacked out and ya were speeding at night. Its bound to happen. If i complained to the courts everytime i got pulled out of the car or harrassed and roughed up by cops I probably wouldnt have been able to leave the driveway with my car without being pulled over for god knows what. My cars always looked illegal too with tins and exhaust and shit. Fuck the cops just pay the fine and keep on drivin. If the same guy keeps nailin ya and being tuff and pushy then go further. Maybe put a camera in the car just incase from now on. Mount it or sumthin and turn it on when ya get pulled over. Sounds like you acted right, cops just dickheads.

I think a lot of us, myself included, figured that you were embellishing the “roughed up” part of this story. If they really did give you a fat lip that’s seriously crossing the line and you should pursue it with a lawyer. Cops like that do not deserve to wear the badge.

Cops are allowed to search the “grabbable” (sp) area in your vehicle when the pull you over.

everything is “grabbable” when he is sitting in my front seat of my car, don’t believe me? I’m sure I could find a hair or two of his in my front seat.

JayS, Like I said, I wasn’t exaggerating, they made physical contact with me that I felt was unnecessary.
I didn’t “hire” a lawyer, she is a good family friend and always helps me out.
I think I have a pretty good chance of filing a lawsuit and winning, but I won’t even bother, even if they have a dash cam, it was night time and it was snowing. And plus, I don’t plan on moving out of the southtowns anytime soon so I don’t need to be hassled anymore than I already am.
I just hope I can give my story to the judge and tell him that I felt that my rights were violated. And hopefully he thinks I have been “punished” enough by the actions of the officers and lowers my 2 REAL crimes to petty fines.
But I am also afraid that the officers will catch wind of what I say in court and have it out for me

FYI:Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

( i cannot find the exact wording,the site is down, but I remember reading it before)
The NYS veh/traffic laws state that an officer MAY search your car if he has reason to believe that there is drugs or a weapon in my car. But otherwise he cannot unless power is given by a higher power
In my case, one of the officers already knew who I was, they both looked in my windows and I have nothing in my car besides some empty water bottles and books. But he still insisted on entering my vehicle and searching in CLOSED compartments.

slasky has done this, he probably knows what he’s talking about.

I do.

Besides he could search your whole car if he wanted to. If he found something outside your grabbable area and did not have permission, a warrant, or consent, he could not use it against you.

I agree with most people here. What he did was not right but then again you continue to break the law even after he gave you tickets. Maybe he though this would straighten you out a little and keep you out of trouble. Did it work??? Are you going to take your tint off and stop speeding?? I doubt it.
This kind of reminds me of a joke, “what do you say to a woman with two black eyes? Nothing. She obviously did not listen the first two times.”

If the same thing happened to me when I was your age and I told my dad that the cop roughed me up. My dad would have taken my car away and probably called the cop, thanked him, and assured him that he would not have to pull me over again.





Anyone that’s bitching, STFU.

Tyler if you honestly did nothing wrong aside from speeding/tint. You need to file a formal complaint about the officers. The speeding, ok fine just slow down from now on. As far as your tint, pay to play if you like it be willing to pay the fines for it.

Cops do not have a god given right to be a dick, i’m not going to tell the story publicly. However I have been the cause for officers to end up suspended/fined before.