Don't I have the best luck with cops...(story)


sounds like those road rallies are getting expensive with all those run ins with the law

You gotta pay to play. Besides, it was just a transit section to the rest stop. I was on 390 and just cruising a little too fast.

I’m sure that this is a 100% factual representation of what occured.

I’m with everyone else that suggested you stop being such a douchebag, and you probably won’t have similar problems in the future.

Im not saying you are full of shit but i think there seems to be a trend here amongst those of us who dont typically get tickets. First thing when being pulled over you need to realize that the cop is doing his job and YOU asked for it by breaking the law. I have never been given more then a warning and its because im polite and respectfull to the fact that i was wrong and they are doing their job. If you really dont like dealing with cops i would stop breaking laws as i think somewhere they did a study that this increases your risk of dealing with them lol.

police can give you tint tickets without metering. its odd he was mad that you pleaded not guilty because he is given overtime to show up in court. btw if the cop wanted to be a dick he could of arrested you for not having picture id on you

Jim Carey said it best… :wink:

Why would you actually listen to someone with such terrible grammar and sentence structure?

:lol: :clap: :rubicant::rx3:


let me just re-emphisize what happened.

BEFORE I SAID ANY WORDS BESIDES WHEN HE ASKED MY NAME. I was throw onto the hood of the car.
I agree with everyone that I should not have been speeding, that was wrong and I agree with being pulled over, but being throw out of the car and treated like I had just ran from them at 100+mph is ridiculous and anyone who says it isn’t is full of shit.
I was scared for my life to be honest, with the way these cops were going I thought they were going to beat the shit out of me and leave me on the side of the highway,no joke.

I AM ALWAYS polite to the officer and this time I was too, I never made any fast movements, I kept eye contact, I remained calm, even when my head was throw on the hood. I ended every sentence in “sir”.

I am not looking for pity or anything, I deserved both tickets (even if my speed was inflated) but I did not deserve to be physically assaulted. (yes being throw against my car more than once when not showing ANY resistance is assault)
I am going to make it known to my lawyer and the judge, that, while I do deserve to pay for my fines, these officers should be sat down and talked to and learn to treat EVERY citizen with the respect they expect in return.

BTW: This was all done before they ran my license. So, NO, other than the one officer recognizing me from a previous stop, and their boredness, there was no other reason for them to treat me like this.

ive had my car searched for drugs because they seen me twice within an hour lol and for tints.

i gave them permission to go through my car though. in the end they let me go without anything because i was cooperative with them, they were real cool

Maybe its cause you called them “tints” and used the word “seen” incorrectly.

amen, cars-aint-cheap, but thats why its fun, its the price of winning :wink:

If you don’t want to be harassed, take off your tint, keep a front plate on the car, don’t add any obvious external mods - etc.

I never had trouble when i had my WRX.

Don’t break more than one law at a time.

for real, i havn’t even gotten a look since i took my wing off. Cops do pay attention to stuff like that. Perfect example, the day after i got my sti i was driving on the 90 at just above speed limit and out of nowhere a brown cutlas rips by me doing at least 100 and i see a cop ahead, dude was fixed on me the entire time.

:clap: I’d love to tint my windows and run with no front plate because both would make my car look a lot better. But I also know that I’m going to speed, get a little sideways and just generally drive too aggressively. It’s amazing how much better those rare cop interactions go when he walks up and finds the only thing you’ve done wrong is break one traffic law, not 3 or 4.

Get pulled over for speeding in a 100% legal car while being respectful and honest and chances are you get off with a warning.

Get pulled over for speeding with an exhaust, tint, no front plate and no drivers license on you and chances are you’re leaving with several tickets, or in the back of a cop car.

AMEN… I fibbed a bit with my 18-0 for the last 18 stops… (since jan 07), im more 17-1, but JAYWONCH decided to give me the wrong insurance card, and the del sol had 10% tint… so i got a tint ticket and an insurance ticket. BOTH WERE THROWN OUT… hence the 18-0…

sucks that you got roughed up

What they did was wrong. Given the weather IMO it borders on cruel. Single digit temps get painful on exposed skin very quickly. I think you probably should file a report. They shouldn’t be able to get away with the harassment that you received.

However, I think there’s more to the story than what we’re reading here: