I was just asking if you have worked in pittsburgh latly to see the horrible road conditions. They don’t do anything right. The road up to where I park has been repaved every summer half assed and by time winter comes its has pot wholes the size of texas. They cut spending anymore they might as welll go back to dirt trails.
oh. lol. I think you missed my intense sarcasm.
Yeah probably I thought it was a legit edit
bc the :tool: keeps his residency listed as north shore, by the mexican war streets… like the fuckin mayor is gonna live there (although the rooney’s do live near there i think)
i dont see how anyone thats had to drive through Pittsburgh more than once could think that they have roads that are even decent, let alone nice.
that lil ol pirate stadium is bringing us a All Star Game… that definitely helps make that stadium worthwhile
who are the pens? oh the hockey teams thats suppost to be playing right now?
Oh I know how he does it but its absolute BS that he can get away with it.
And we are having the bass fishing thing here next year, supposed to bring in 70m in revenue to the city. although i dont know why anyone would want to fish in the rivers :down:
Yup, my job in CT starts Dec 6…
well the other 364 days a year its empty. Thats premium realty that could be used for something that would bring in much more money, like a giant whorehose/casino. That would be way better than watching a sucky baseball team.
First Electric Steel Mill in North America…
First all-electric melting
That idea became the first North American company to exclusively use electric furnaces to melt and manufacture manganese steel castings - the Latrobe Electric Steel Company. With authorized capitalization of $300,000, the company was incorporated on March 10, 1913. Production began with a single six-ton Heroult electric arc furnace. Mr. Saxman became the first president of the company and Mr. Guttzeit served as general manager.
pirates keep my ass off unemployment!!! fucker! all you fucks who live in suburbs and work in the city need to start paying shit. come use our parks on weekends, use our stadiums, use our roads, busses, etc…
Da 'burgh is dying and that’s not just the typical SW Pa grey outlook. Looks at the stats, demographics, tax base, the unions…the town is drowning in it’s own waste and no one has the vision or leadership to do shit about it, other than bitch to Harrisburgh for their handout.
The most growth oriented, successful cities in the USA that match Pittsburghs demographics are those with the lowest tax rates. Eeerie conincidence? Gotta be, let’s just tax our way into prosperity…
no people come in to the city from other counties. they work here, play here, use our assets to their advantage and then go back to their little boroughs. I’m sick of every weekend schenly park being full of assholes marching for some cause when i’m betting 70% of them aren’t even from the city. USE your own God damn parks. if you work in PITTSBURGH you SHOULD PAY PITTSBURGH TAXES!!! There is no reason why places like upper saint clair should have hotel like schools and the city schools are dumps. there are no reasons why the allegheny county residents built the two stadiums and then people from washington county come and then have the nerve to complain about stuff. FUCK YOU, my taxes paid for heinz so why can’t i have a chance to buy a fucking ticket from the steelers.
um don’t ever leave the city then to go to Monroeville, the water front, or anything out side of the city limits because you will be straining our rescources too. :rolleyes:
no more miricle mile
No More BWW
No More JJ’s
No More parkway
No More anything outside the limits
Now please open your mind and thing. Just because you have a bunch of degenerate living on welfare in the shitty parts of the city doesn’t mean everyone else you pick up the slack.
I can gurenntee that if they start this bullshit I will be demanding to beable to vote on this asshole murphy that you idiots keep re-electing to office.
“Hey guys how about we give kaufman’s a bunch of tax breaks to move into down town then hike the parking fees up to 18 bucks, That will make people come to town and spend their money” :rolleyes:
Get that asshole out of office and I wouldn;t mind helping as much but 144 a fucking year is Bullshit. Thats 14 tanks of gas, 1 and half months of car insuracne, Half of my quartly local taxes and so forth. FUck him…
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
actaully mike i should have made a broader statement including pittsburgh in with allegheny county. do you work in the city thou mike? if you do you should pay city imcome tax. if you don’t its not your worry. This is more toward those people that live in say, carnberry, come and work here then go excape back to la la land and have nothing but bad shit to say about the city.
wait a fuckin min yes I work in the city But why the fuck should I have to pay Income tax to Penn Hills and the city…Yes you can fuck right off with that opinion.
This double taxation is BULLSHIT all because YOUR ELECTED LEADERS are fucking up. I have my own elected assholes to deal with you don;t see us bitching to the city demanding you help us or un-fuck our situations…
How many asshole live in a nice section of pittsburgh yet work else were, a lot and you don’t see us complaining. Christ the pat system busses just as many people out of the city for work as they do going in.
whoa, see you always fly off the handle. i didn’t say you need to pay double tax, i think you should pay taxes some kinda tax to where you earn your money. like my dad should pay tax to west mifflin cause thats where his shop is, not to ittsburgh where he lives. you got all these people leaving here for suburbs but still working here and the tax base keeps gettin smaller so obviously less money is gonna meke things shittier and then they raise city tax to people who already couldn’t afford to escape the city. Look i’m not an expert on all this stuff all i know is people are useing the city and the city is not getting reperations for it.
you can’t blame me for all the stupid elderly that keep voting in democrats. if i ever had another canidate to vote for mayor i would.
Cutty, right your people keep voting in this asshole and he has no term limit. THIS is why I;m so against any help. Fuck that.
Also the “use our resources” speech is getting played out too. The city folk act like they never leave the city for anything which is a crock of shit too.
Instead of the city wasting money on BS they should wake up. due to working the behind the scenes with some of these city “resources” I get to see and hear about stupid shit.
I hate murphy x123049871340587263405872634085623084795638560 like some hate bush.
Cutty sorry to fly off at you but this argument is very irritating to me especially with the proposals they are trying to push we have been following this for a while because its going to affect emplyees that don’t even work in the city and are “branched” out further than you could realize.