Drag racing crash on Transit last night

  1. Trying to impress your girlfriend by racing on transit is fucking dumb
  2. how do you crash a 14 second car
  3. Sorry about the losses its a shame life can be taken away with one poor decision
  4. So… who won?

they might try to get them for manslaughter sayin somthing like if he wasnt there, the race wouldnt have happened and this whole thing would have been avoided. but idk

Sorry I reposted this in the general area, should have searched first. I worked last night, didnt see news till I got up & out of bed. @ noon.

seriously? who sys that? I understand that what happened was obviously dangerous… and we can stress dangers and stupidity behind the things that happen all day everyday…

thanks to nitroinsane and the others who care enough to point out they have friends on here…

the last thing me, TwiZted, …anyone else who has been blessed with all of the smiles that Mark and Mel brought to life is hearing people say they got what they deserved…or that they wish Mark was alive because he got off the hook by not being here…

grow up… put yourself in the friend’s shoes… if it was your friends you would be pretty ticked at the comments that are being made!

on that note… RIP and Godspeed Mark and Mel…miss u so much… love u guys…and thanks for all of the smiles and happiness you guys always brought to everyone and everything around you!

As always, and right on schedule, the legal talk begins. :picard:

JayS is right, his most recentpost at least.

MY condolenses to anyone that knew them it really sucks to hear about shit like this. Regardless of if he was at fault or not for the incident shit happens and a really bad outcome came of it and no one is around to defend what happened. So its rude to lay into someone when there no longer here, especially when people reading these posts are friends of the deceased may still in shock/greaving over the whole issue.

With that being said it’s a crap shoot for the kid in the neon. The police may just want to hear his side of the story to see what may have happened… at this point unless there were no other witnesses present he could lie out of his ass and say the guy just took off at the light.

That is the 64K question. If you come forward, you are in a world of it, if you don’t and they find you, that is I would assume worse. But what if you come forward and they didn’t have a partial plate/look at the car/your face and there was no physical evidence linking you to the scene? Then you just cooked your own butt. Also, people who aren’t “in to cars” could easily think that a 99 Civic SI is a Neon. Hell, people ask me if my GTO is an Acura???

I got a phone call about it asking if i knew the people involved…I did not but it is sad regardless.

Street racing is not the brightest thing in the world to do and it is by no means safe. I am guilty of it in the past but looking back I was probably just lucky nothing ever happened.

For those of you that have the idea that “they got what was coming to them for racing” I really feel sorry for you. If you act like some elite driver or street racer or human being in general, something will come to knock you down a peg and I hope it comes sooner than later for you.

For those that street race and say it wont happen to me, I have skill, I have a better car, I have control…you don’t and you probably never will. Go to a track if you want to test your skills.

Hopefully the departed rest peacefully as I am sure it was a tortured departure from this world and much much sooner and more horrible than anyone deserves.

I will end my thoughts by just saying be smart this year…dont even be safe…just be smart and safe will come along with it.

Perhaps he mis-shifted from 4th to 3rd and the back end whipped out?

edit assuming the car is a 6 spd of course.

super well said 2TurboZ … i dont think anyone could have said all of that any better! thanks!

Here’s another pic of the car from wgrz.com. http://www.wgrz.com/imagepool/images/0859131741_WGRZCarsplit-ks.jpg

got dam.

was it a vert? beforehand.

From the wgrz article:

According to Harhigh’s family, Mark had owned the car just two days. It’s not the first tragedy to strike the family. Mark’s mother, Toni, is currently battling brain and lung cancer.

uggggggh. two days huh?


I’m done here out of respect tothe friends.



After seeing that pic it’s hard to think anyone could have come out of that alive…

Looks like a lack of experiance had a big part in this. Only having that car for two days he had no clue how his car would react or even had a good feeling for the car…

makes sense… kid just got a new toy and wanted to show off… unfirmilar with the car, it gets a little squirly and loses control. Happens all the time in varying degree’s, man that sucks…

My prayers go out the families… not only do they have to deal with this but also his mom just started her battle with cancer ugh…


As we get deeper into the personal side here I feel pretty dumb for carrying this on, but, I can see the Mach chin spolier and shaker hole, along with the wheels. Probably a real nice car.