Drama...need advice guys.

Thats exactly whatim doing, im not going to be a dumb ass and kick his ass…as much as id like to i dont need the trouble right now. Im trying to get ahold of his dad to get my shit and if he wont comply im taking him to small claims, or ill have my friend who is a state trooper accompany me to get my stuff back. then its over, c ya bye…i diont need the drama right now.

And Jack, ill pay u the $10 next weekend when i get paid for working the fair, thanx for lettin me borrow it…most apreciated.

Got my shit, end of drama.


sweet. drop off my money today. You can watch me install my stereo

tomorrow go back and shoot his house with the paintball gun, as my previous post instructed.

not gona be around…goin out with onje of my sexy ladie friends…and its not one of my sisters this time either lol. this one is REAL!

good to hear that it’s settled, yo.