Drift Mania

i friggin love this gino lingo that is all the rage right now.

i hope it stays trendy long enough for me to really get on the boat.

the automotion cars are better than anything in the country right now.

who cares how much the wheels cost, its all relative.

if i had those kind of cars i would put something fukked on them as well.

and you have to remember that they are in montreal, the mentality is different there.

there are entire streets with nothing parked on the curb but 645’s, jags, vanquishes and shit…

deep Volk 18’s dont cut it there.

Davin wheels were featured in last months ROBB REPORT, yes they invented spinners but motorola started with a record player.

Not saying ADAM didn’t spend a lot of money on his car, I just find his expenditures way more worthwhile, that’s all. And DTS is right, I’m out.

I’m out after this too then… Adam has a paint job, a body kit, and a few sets of rims too… exactly how much do you know about the other car…

It’s his car, his money.

Wow, those are some really nice rims … i wonder how much they cost?

Bing you answered it man. It’s montreal the mentality is way different. For those who have never been there before. BMW and Mercedes are like Hondas over there. Never seen so many. The drivers are way more aggressive there. And the highway layout is insane. All you see is really really nice cars. I would move there. I also believe the cost of living is cheaper insurance wise. And you can buy beer from just about every store there.

All this answers why there cars are as sexy as they are.

The negative is they have the WORST roads on the planet…4 lane main roads with foot deep pot holes and bumps the size of speedbumps.
Like driving on the moon…

18s and 19s are personal preference… not benchmark bing…

Isn’t the aero just stock JDM stuff… I was gonna buy it but decided to hold off. It’s a two piece set, a rear bumper with a lip and then the rear valences. Oh and Good luck finding the valences.

Im pretty sure the front bumper is the USDM bumper with lip and modification to remove the centre piece, so the IC could be unobstructed.



yes montreal has the worst roads on earth. i thought hamilton was bad until i drove through montreal with coilovers… holy hell it was embarassing,

i took a wrong turn and ended up going down and old cobblestone road… FUKKKED!!!

i think people are nuts there because, like me, they are trying to avoid the huge gaping holes in the streets and ignoring fellow drivers.

it is more likely to ruin your car in those potholes than colliding with another car anyways. they are simply that bad.

montreal has tons of old $$$, pimp cars are the norm. in some areas up on the hill you almost gotta have a $80,000 car just to move in.

thats riiight…lol
thats how we do down here yooo!!!.. hahahha…

mentality is insane… french is wierdly strong in some parts…
and insanely untolerated in others…
we’re a confused bunch… but we love what we have… and hate what we gotta hate…

as for the pot holes… lets just think of them as… tourist attractions that are… IMPOSSIBLE to miss… lol

nice meeting you for the first time Bing!
hope your stay wasnt too crappy…lol

nah nicholas, my stay was decent actually.

but i really couldnt understand a word you were saying on teh phone…lol