Drifting Beoatches!!!!

hahahaha sweet people are still checking out our vids. Driftset bitches


That picture is crazy old…holy shit

Is that how you talk in real life?

^are you always a homo??

FUCK yeah they talk like this, these guyz bought 350z rims off me, they said and i quote:

“shit ALL we do is party, get drunk, and fucking drift son”

sick skills very nice

awesome vids. you guys are great. i saw a guy at my work a few weeks ago in a suislide shirt and thought about you guys.

post up the next drift gtg you guys have or shoot me a PM. i’d love to come check it out.

hahahahaha for sure!!! qftmft

driftset… HAHAwerd

holy crap…andy’s driveway doing the clutch job right??? that was a good 6-7 yrs ago now?

lol i remember the video of that

just to keep this thread going cuz its got a gang of views


kiss my dirt!

n a lil gay vid of the maiden rb voyage

ran into you guys a few times going to random shows (black spyder eclipse back a couple years ago). Cool guys, nice vid! Keep it up, I wish I could do this stuff, I dont want to break my Evo either lol. :lol:

are you the same group of guys that messed up building an engine lately by not tighting down cams on a recent 240 motor for a gangsta white kid?

by a gangsta white kid u mean a settlement hustler? there is a lil story behind that, we did tighten them. and it was one cam sprocket, not the cams. the cam gear wasnt even off the dowl pin and the timing was still dead nuts…

damn bro u got some skills. Good movie clips, i like the music :wink:

lol rj is still around - long time no see man :tup:

thanks, i think your the first person ever to say they like the music.
dipset all day!!

rj is no longer in the area

nice vids

looks good haha like em.

wish my car was a little easier to do that with haha