Drive the car in the winter?

I think its a good idea to get a winter car. I paid $1200 for a '92 Beretta GT, drove it for 2 years and sold it for $1000. Best $200 i’ve ever spent on a car.

Definately get a winter car.:slight_smile:



The cost of winterizing it will be the same as getting a winter beater.

Plus it seems like reliability is an issue with your lexus…lol.

drive it. it’s a lexus who cares :wink:

how long do you plan on keeping that car anyways?

or did you finance it until your 40 years old…

if that’s the case - winter car.

Drive it in the winter, get some snows for the stockers. just becarful with it.

brive it in winter and i PROMISE your aluminium intercooler will look like TOTAL SHIT by spring time, and the PS line screws will be rusted into place

so will your wheels

so will your maf pipe (its aluminium)

so will your compressor and exhaust housings

your air filter will probably be looking pretty shitty too, and might not even survive

its up to you tho …

honestly… keep it clean and salt free (wash it atleast once a week… including the under side of it) and you’ll be good to go :slight_smile:


if woody made it through winter on 18" staggered chrome, any car can. put snows on the stock wheels, or get some steelies. stay in vaccum, and you’re fine. wash it once a week and i think you’ll be all set.

is the car running? if so congrats.

CARWELL undercoating. <$100.

Iv’e driven my car every winter, salt insn’t really doing any damage…im fine, I have a factory undercoat tho.

If you plan on handing it down to your grandkids I wouldn’t take it through winter, GET SOME NICE SNOWS and they’re will be no damage, the only thing about winter that will hurt your car is shit you hit cause you cant stop or manuver.

you still have your stock rims?

Any personal experience with this??? I’d be interested to hear more about it…

x2 :wave:

the only bad things I’ve heard about undercoating a car (that isn’t factory new) is that you can trap moisture/corrosion under it and actually make things worse(accelerate the process)… I have no personal experience with it, but thats what I’ve heard (If I understand it correctly)

im gonna be driving the sunfire in winter. drive the lexus. people get scurd to much.

You can drive anything in the winter. You could probably drive an all out race car and be semi ok. The question is do you want to. HRKs post is the most sensical. Your $$$ shit is gonna get F’d up. Salt>Cars

your sig is way to fast for me to read everything, i keep skiping a word and end up repeating what I read

be a balla drive it in the winter, and when people ask be like shit my summer car is a ferarri

I used to drive the pcar in the winter. The only reason I dont anymore is because I’m usually using the winter as an excuse to tinker with it in 1000000 pieces in my garage. People are so scared when it comes to winter driving it’s rediculous. It comes down to if you have the skills to handle your car or not.