Drug testing for welfare recipients in FL.

of course, but its better then drug testing imo. drug tests are easy to get around…and i’ll go by more of my first statement because the argument is that drug testing is unconstitutional, well welfare isn’t in the constitution either so fuck em and get rid of it.

this … i had to go back to work when i tore my shoulder apart and lied to everyone sayin its ok , i couldnt feed my kids and my bills on 170 a week anymore man lol . now i work with a tore rotator cuff and damaged ligaments so these scums can milk the ststem and drive nicer shit than us . that and the fuckin imports reaping benefits !!! fuck u guys u came here get a real job and not milk us dry ccause u hadddddd to come here as your homeland wasnt good enough

Welfare should be temporary just like unemployment. If you’re injured or have a medical condition then that’s fine but if you’re collecting money from the government because you just don’t feel like working then that’s unacceptable. It should be mandatory that you’re available as a temporary worker for either the federal, state or local government or for a private employer until you find permanent employment.

I remeber hearing about an individual who won a significant amount of money in the lottery but continued to use food stamps. His reasoning was it was owed to him since much of his lottery winnings were taken from him in the form of taxes.

With people like this just blatantly ripping off the system and the government regulators letting it happen it’s no surprise that America is broke.

Face it: This is America.

Maybe 5% of us are true Americans. The ones that make sacrifices for the country and do things to improve it.

The other 95% are just American citizens. The ones that can only think about what the country can do for them, what the government can do for them.

Isn’t it?
I’m pretty sure the maximum term you can be collecting welfare is something like a couple of years, at least for women anyway.

I found this from another article and thought I’d paste it here. I was shocked when I read this especially since in this economy there are more and more people on it.

“The other secret of New York’s supposed welfare reform is that there are no time limits. In the rest of the country, after five years on the dole, you’re off. Again, not in New York. The state ignores the federal time limit and lets recipients stay on its rolls indefinitely - at the state’s exclusive expense.”



^x2…and with about 50% of Americans not paying taxes it’s people like us that flip the bill for these programs.

Ive got a worthless scumbag great aunt thats like 90 years old and I dont think she ever had a job. She’s been on welfare forever and will probably live forever, even despite her heavy smoking.

At one point the state made her work in a county nursing home to earn her welfare but that was a long time ago and for some reason the state doesnt do that anymore.

I agree that it should be nationwide. There should be a timelime just like unemployment. People fall on bad times, I get that too. But, why would you want to work if you know you are set, being on the system. I’ve had to take a drug test for almost every job I’ve ever had. (there were some jobs that I worked for small employers that didn’t require testing) Why should I take a drug test to work, when they don’t have to take a drug test to live decently on the system. That’s just messed up. F’ing make them go every week when they go for the check. Make it an “inconvience”. And top it off, take it out of their check for the cost of the test. Lets call it a “co-pay”. I know any time I’ve had to go to a hospital for testing, I had to pay a co-pay. Making them have to put in community hours per month to clean up would be awesome too. Can’t find a job, ok, 10 hours a week, I’ve got a nice goverment/county/city job for you cleaning up the streets. Maybe you wouldn’t be up all hours of the night breaking shit, hanging out causing trouble and painting graffitti or whatever, when your ass has to be up 7 in the morning cleaning it up.

Lazy, ignorant America has to wake up and do it sooner than later. We’re just heading into a deep hole and it doesn’t look good.

Testing should be random, a family member of mine was a cocaine addict on felony probation for 5 years without failing once. Too easy to get around a scheduled drug test.

CFK? Wat?

Perfect example is my little brother. Dude got layed off from Mobil. Makes like $170 a week from unemployment. Refuses to get another job because he can now go to school and make that money doing nothing. I get into a fight with him almost every time I see him about it. Just doesn’t want to work period if he doesn’t have to. Makes me rage. He’s been on this for like 90 weeks btw. Unreal. If you can’t find a job in 90 weeks just kill yourself.

JFK-esque post…Cossey…CFK

Oh, win!

This. I have a few people that I know that have been on unemployment foreverrrrrrrrrrr. It’s especially funny when they actually have to go look for a job when it runs out. “Why won’t anyone hire me, I’ve sent my resume to 100’s of places”. :facepalm

But they don’t have to look. Unemployment is like 120 weeks long.

welfare>actually working a minimum wage job. you can probably make more on welfare then you can getting paid at a whooping 7.25/hr. they need to review or just get rid of the system. if people know they can make money sitting on their ass then why would they go out and EARN it. it pissses me right the fuck off

They will. Srsly know someone who used up all their unemployment(all those weeks) never looked for a job the whole time and only started to look once all their time ran out. They submitted their resume to hundreds of places to no avail. That’s what you get when you sit on your ass for two years, no one will hire you.

I think unemployment payout should drop 10% ever month to encourage you to actually look for a job.

At a certain point in time that way at least it will be profitable to work a min wage job and encourage doing so.