Dumbest Shit You Saw While Driving....

In the past week:

Driving down Sheridan, an older dude in a Buick takes a left into the opposing lane stops about 15 feet in. Backs up slowly and then sits there for a minute wondering what to do next.

Again driving down Sheridan, younger girl in a neon almost takes out a Saab. Then the both just sit there for 2 minutes in the middle of the intersection before realizing maybe they need to back up a bit.

On the way to work some angry looking lady in her Lexus SUV starts to head the wrong way towards me, I stop. Then she stops looking at me. I point at the "Do Not Enter signs plastered all over. She slooooooooowly backups up, takes about 2 minutes for her to go 15 feet and then go the right way.