Dunnville vs Toronto Motorsports - Track Reviews

Not to start a debate here…but…

#1, you’re comparing a 330 w/ an S2000 for on track experience…

#2, each dB level is something like 2 or 3 times louder than the previous (91 is X times louder than 90)…but I think everyone agrees that never mentioning there would be a “hard” sound requirement and then springing it on us was fucking gay and wasted time.

#3, you’re comparing your drive in an S2000 on one track to your drive in a 330 on another.

#4, We had the track from 10am to 5pm (530 if we needed it, as per that dude that was there)…it was just so open everyone was tired by 4ish.

#5, you’re comparing a drive between a 330 and an S2000.