ECU upgrade


Im looking to get an ECU upgrade this summer.
I got a stock S14(a) and was told that w/o a swap an ECU would be a good upgrade for its value. (makes sense as it monitors fuel delivery etc) NOw he told me that i should get a SR20DET ECU on a KA24DE engine… how does that make sense. COuld you pls tell me if he was BS’ing?

If he was, what are my options?


I don’t know why he would tell you to run an SR ECU on a KA.

I’m not the KA authority here at all, so maybe someone else can fill you in.

A turbo ECU would have more aggressive fuel maps, true. But whether or not it will even work with the KA is the bigger question.

My guess would be no, or people would be running SRs on the KA harness/ECU

There are ECU upgrades for the KAs. They usually cut or move the rev limiter higher and do away with the speed cut altogether. They tend to be $$$ … but getting a remap isn’t much cheaper.

Who exactly is this HE, and why are you listening to him?

Why the hell would you want an upgraded ECU on a stock car? Fuel delivery hasn’t changed because your car is stock.

Do something a little more worthwhile with your money. Exhaust, intake, suspension is a better start.

an SR ecu will never run a KA ecu the guys an idiot.

tuning a stock KA ecu is still a good idea as you can see HP and TQ gains from more aggressive timing and fuel maps.

Well Im not too mechanically inclined, thats why I would ask for other ppl’s opinion. And here, I had to double check with ppl (in this case, this forum) who have knowledge and experience with 240sx related upgrades (suspension/engine/brake/esthetics…)

BTW this guy worked at the dealership where I bought the car as a mechanic. He owns a standard maxima and his buddy owns a 240 so i figured he would be knowing what he is talking about.

I was talking to him about what upgrades aside intake, headers, catback i could do and he suggested the SR ecu…
And now I am sure that i shouldnt take that guys advice and remapping my stock ECU to my liking would be better.

Thanks for the input guys

A dealership eh? Scary indeed!

I would take Nutta’s advice…or just swap the SR altogether. 8)

Good luck.

Yes, playing around with your ECU on a stock car, is the best thing to do.


Babysteps, noob, babysteps.

since were on the topic of ecu’s

what is the difference between all of the sr ecu;s anyway?

E5 is from a 94-96 180sx black top 5 speed
E6 is from a 94-96 180sx blacktop automatic
WC is from a 94-98 S14 Silvia
62 is from a 91-93 180sx or S13 Silvia 5 speed
61,63 is from a 91-93 180sx or S13 Silvia automatic
J4 is from a 97-98 180sx Type X 5speed

asside from the obvious s13/s14 and auto/standard differences, what do they each do differently?

Well there’s OBD 1 and 2’s, diff turbo’s on the S13, 14 and 15, different stock hp’s and torque, injector size and the VVT system.

As for the one’s you mentioned, mainly I think the OBD1 and OBD1. Never quote me though! :lol:

Easy 8)

for instance what are the differences between an E5, 62, and J4? disregarding obd1/2 differences.

are there changed fuel maps, timeng etc.?

As far as I know, which isn’t very far, the e5 and 62 ecu’s are interchangable.

I have a 62 ECU running my Blacktop and there’s no problems.

that will never ever work man !!!..
direct ignition (SR)…and external coil (KA)…sucha big difference…the motor wont even start forget about more power…

E5 ECU’s (E6 too I suppose) don’t have the diagnostic LED. You have to wire it up to the dash instead.

Differences between the E5 and 62 is slightly changed fuelmaps and a different O2 sensor output. The E5 will idle better.

the SR and KA ecus wont even interchange the car wont even run.

theres hardly any difference between blacktop and redtop ecus, ive ran my blacktop ecu on redtops before

it could be done, but not by anyone of us…there is a bmw 7 series i read about running 2 q45 computers to run it…

anything is possible if you are smart enough.

It’s all about munipulating signals from and to sensors to make everything run. If the systems are similar, you can make it work. Or swap out sensors to input/output the proper signals.

You can make a SR ECU work for KA. Just find a way to make the CAS work for the ignition timing. You’ll need to find a set of coilpacks that will fit.

IMHO, your better off getting a Enthalpy or JWT KA ROM tune instead.

I’ve always thought that obdII ECU’s were non programable but then again I only have Honda experience

That would depend on how the ECU is designed. If the fuel and ignition maps are stored in a chip where it can be bypassed or replaced. It can be done.

There are tons of ECU manufacture’s out there so there would be a lot of different designs. I guess OBDII etc. is just the actual On board Diagnostic system.

I can’t vouch for the S14, but I know the later S12s and the S13s all use Bosch Jetronic L setups. These are EPROM ECUs and can be flashed and reprogrammed. I have the vqmaps for most Nissan’s 89-94. Some of the code is really tricky to decipher though. I honestly gave up for now.