engine automatically shutoff

Alright guys, my 240sx gave me another problem last night as I was about to go home from work. Here’s how it is, cuz of the cold weather, I started the car about 15min before store is closing(9:15pm), this is enough for my car to warm up inside and out. Now when I came back outside when after changing and cleaning (9:40pm) My lights and music was on, then I noticed my ABS light was also on. I turned down the music and lo and behold the engine was off.

Now, the engine would crank, so definately not my battery. My spark plugs aren’t wet so it’s not flooded ( I went back this afternoon to check on the car again).

I blame Canada and it’s really really crappy weather. But any suggestion? If any of you guys are in the Scarborough area and would like to take a look, pm me and I’ll tell you where my car is. Thanks guys, any suggestions are greatly appriciated cuz I’m on the verge or parting this car and buying another 240sx.


fuel pump working?

i know it sounds like a stupid question but did you check that you have gas?
one of the most over looked things.

i got half a tank and how do you go about checking if the fuel pump works? Does pumping the gas pedal and seeing if I can smell gas in the engine work?

turn the ignition on and listen for the whine of the pump or get a friend to put his head next to the open gas cap.

The same thing happened to me… i would start the car to warm up by the time i get back (15 mins or so) it’s off.

ended up changing my whole distributor… turned out to be a small part IN the distributor… CRANK sensor apparently was my problem. never happened since! :slight_smile: