Epic-Center Roller Hockey sign-ups!

i’m def in for next session…and on that note i know of another nyspeeder who can fill e21d19n’s spot

Are you guys playing tonight?

got rained out again :frowning:

his name’s tom.

Sorry I wasn’t there to keep Tom in line. I know he’s getting frustrated as I imagine everybody is. But like someone wrote before, its not really fair that we requested rec 2 and instead our schedule has us playing the top 4 or 5 teams in the league (ironically all the Rec1 teams). We need a game against one of the other bottom feeders just to get our spirits up.

being frustrated doesnt mean he can’t pass the puck…

he’s prolly getting fustrated cus he’s trying to do everything himself. and yea it is unfair with the scheduling. we play one of the worse teams our 6th game.

I’ll talk to him. He is usually a very good team player.

Worse then us? :cry:

we’re actually not that bad of a team. we just dont seem good cus as you know we play very good teams

I know we would be a top team in Rec 2. I was just kidding. Sarcasm over the intraweb is so difficult to pick up on!!!

Since most people didn’t go to yesterdays game, We are playing tonight at mil-sher 8-10. Everyone is welcome

I got stuck down in Dunkirk and didn’t make it back to Buffalo til 6:15. I knew that game was gonna be a problem. How’d we do??? I want ed play those guys too. Dem my boys!!!

we had no subs… it was a boring game, all was did was clear it when we got the puck. There was nothing else we could do. We lost 10-2 but they took it easy on us.

Yeah again I’m sorry guys. I will be there next week guaranteed!!

i got pwnzored working :gay:

if anyone is interested in playing next session, we need to pay the deposit by the end of the month. i believe the date was the 26th. the guy said that there are a bunch more teams that sign up for the january session, so he said that we would be in the rec 2 league. rec. 1 owned us this session, but we can get a lot better if we keep playing, especially being in the worse league. if you’re interested, please pm me.

you know im in…

sorry guys, I explained it earler, I’m just getting overwhelmed with my coaching duties that I didn’t think would interfere that much, after the season starts to wind down and if you guys are gonna keep it together Ill get back into playing

ok guys, the next session is coming up on us real quick. we need to give them some money by 12/26. i am pming everyone to see who wants to stick around for next session. if you still want to stick around and play, ill need like a $50 down payment from you by a 12/23. then once i figure out the amount of guys we will have by that date, we will have to come up with the rest of the money by the time our next session begins. that amount will prolly come out to another $50. and we’ll have to get that insurance again, cus it restarts january 1st. this session will cost us $1135. which is including the $895 for the league, and $240 for ref fees. so we’ll be dividing the $1135 by the number of players we get. so please let me know. PLEASE REPLY TO THE PM I SENT IF YOU WANT IN. I DONT WANT TO KEEP CHECKING THE THREAD ALL THE TIME.

so once again, if you want in, then ill need $50 from each person by 12/23. so you got a week


I still need to figure out whats going on with work for me. I missed a lot of games this session, but I really want to play… I’ll let you know soon.

I am out of town this week for work so I’ll be missing this week again. :frowning:

Good luck boys!!!