Epic-Center Roller Hockey sign-ups!


incase no one is sure of the time of our game tonite, it is at 10:00pm. also, if anyone wants to give me money for next session tonite, ill take down payments of $50. thanx

I have not received anybody’s payment yet for next session. the deposit is due in 3 days guys. if you guys want to play next session, ill need some cash A.S.A.P.!!!

I have 2 more people who would like to play, Is there room?

all depends on how many people we have resign from our last session. i dont want to have too many people. if we are short, ill definitely let you know.

i have to wait for a check to clear before i can get you any cash, i’m trying! lol

looks like we’re not playing next session cus i havent gotten payments from anybody

i’ll have money on monday. i wanna say i’m not the only one in the same boat. you haven’t gotten money from ANYONE tho? who said they would still play? i know someone who wants to play and silvergtp knows 2, we can fill out the rest of the team if needed. make a list so we have an idea of what we’re lookin at

  1. adictd2b00st
  2. adictd2b00st +1
  3. silvergtp
  4. silvergtp +1
  5. silvergtp+2
  6. Dennis
  7. Poose22

i’m guessing bamfer9deuce and kcuv are in as well?

as long as i get at least $200 in my hand on tuesday, we’ll be ok

is that list basically what we are looking at tho as far as the team?

I can get you money buy tuesday along with dennis

But I need to know if I can get 2 of my buddys on the team

yea if they can play, they can join

im still in, but in the same boat as others

just don’t bring in any puck hogs…

ttt, epic-center needs money tomorrow

i thought you said tuesday? i can have money at work but theres no way i can get to you, your gonna have to come and pick it up. i work in the roadshop at circuit city on union by the galleria. i’m there 7:30am - 10:00pm so it don’t really matter when u stop by.

check your pm’s

if i can get to epic center, ill be putting a deposit down today so we can play. hopefully ill be able to get down there today. not lookin so good right now cus im alone at work till 10pm.

ok guys, i put money down so we’re good for next session. but i gotta start getting some money from everyone ASAP

I will get you mine ASAP

the next session will prolly cost each of us around $100. maybe a little bit more, but not much. our 1st game will be the 9th i believe. so we’ll need to figure out who is gonna be making up our team soon so i can figure out the cost we’ll each have to pay. the payment is due on the 1st game.