ever have your licence suspended for not paying a fine?

Got one from Cheektowaga for a seatbelt ticket I forgot about. Drove there, paid it that day, they re-instated my license on the spot. I kept copies of that letter saying it was paid and I had a license in both vehicles for over a year though, figuring if I got pulled over it might save me a trip to jail if there was a typical DMV computer glitch.

You never call the DMV. As much as it’s a pain in the ass to go down there it’s the only way you’re going to get any real answers. Not sure why you’re calling the DMV about points anyway. Not like you can change your guilty plea now. You pled guilty, mailed it in, they accepted it and now want payment. They’re not going to agree to let you plead not guilty now just because you call crying that you’ll lose your license because you have too many points.