Every reason in the world NOT to street race

Do you guys comprehend anything you read???

MANSLAUGHTER = Acknowledge a risk…Street racing = Risk CHECK
Disregard that Risk and carry out the act = CHECK
Someone else died as a result of that activity = CHECK 2x

Criminally Negligent Homicide = Failure to percieve risk of act = Didnt think the Mustang would crash = CHECK

OMG…Is this your first day in Buffalo???

That is all Frank Clark does.

yeah, I think you would be right if HIS car crashed and a passenger died, but not if some other car, unrelated to him crashes. He didnt run him off the road, he didnt MAKE the mustang race.

:lol: One part “people never read a whole thread before replying” mixed with two parts “people don’t like this because they street race”.


Its like yelling at someone from your window and they look over,crash and die.Now youre charged with manslaughter.Pretty fucking shitty :tdown:

everything to convict the mustang driver not the neon driver. IF HE DIDNT DIRECTLY CAUSE THE ACCIDENT, I.E HITTING THE MUSTANG DRIVERS CAR, then he has no direct involvement in the accident… the accident caused the death, not street racing(i am not defending street racing in any way)

again, if the neon driver admitted to hitting the other driver, then he is fucked

You are all making valid “common sense” points but in reality the charges fit what happened or else they wouldnt be able to seek them.

I would put strong $ on a boatload of community service…no license for 5 years…and a bank vault in fines and lawyer fees at the end of the day.


We all know Hot rod kid and a few of his buddies climbed Concrete central back a month ago.
THAT is illegal (trespassing)

Hot rod kid’s friend is right behind him and as they are climbing up a ladder, the ladder snaps and his friend falls to his death.

SHOULD HRK be charged with manslaughter? I mean, they both were committing a crime (trespassing).

NO, that’s fucking bull shit. The neon driver did nothing to cause the wreck. The kid in the mustang could have crashed all by him self if he just decided to take off from the red light alone.

This justice system is fucking corrupt, it’s all about making an example out of people. Sorry for the deceased but all the neon driver deserves is a few traffic violation tickets

MANSLAUGHTER = Acknowledge a risk…Heart Failure
Disregard that Risk and carry out the act = CHECK
Someone else died as a result of that activity = CHECK 2x

Criminally Negligent Homicide = Failure to percieve risk of act = Didnt think the fat guy would have a heart attack

So playing sports in the park with fat people would fall under these aswell?


See: Location:

14606:North Gates… Rochacha

ya I have to agree, I think the charges are poopy… I could only think what some of are lives would have turned out like if we got jail time from driving recklessly…

I think about it a lot and deem myself very lucky. Even with the thousands upon thousands in legal fines/fees I’ve paid. I never even spent a night in a jail cell for any of it and I drove for 8 years with no license. Just thinking about that alone calms my nerves when some idiot wants to race me on the street.

Quoted for truth.

I knew it instantly in the first thread about this…they’re looking for a scapegoat, someone to place blame on besides the deceased. The deceased is now perceived as a victim, despite that he willingly participated in a street race beyond his ability. Can we post-mortum charge the kid with manslaughter in the second degree and criminally negligent homicide, because it fits better for him re: his girlfriend. His ignorance of the risk involved was directly related to her death. The ignorance of the Neon driver’s risk did not in any way affect the driver of the Mustang.

The lesson this gives in regards to street racing is lives are ruined because of accidental death and because a corrupt legal system throwing the book at a scapegoat, despite coming forward immediately.

Don’t street race: the courts will fuck you.

Quite honestly, the only thing I’ve learned from this whole thing isn’t that street racing is bad(I already knew that) but that I shouldn’t come forward. Yup, legal system is working perfectly.

edit No wonder there’s a thing called street justice, the legal system can’t properly handle it.

read the book farenheit 451 for our legal system to learn how justice is served in our government

I actually set that book in my oven set at 451*.
I left it there for a bit and nothing happened. I took it to my highschool teacher at the time and flipped out

if i was to die in a street racing act my parents would be first to say it was my own carelessness

lmfao ive never actually tried burning the book

bunch of BS there, if you dont want to race…dont

no one held a gun to his head

its his fault…