Every reason in the world NOT to street race

This whole story is still so sad… risk your own life but dont put your girlfriends life at risk, she couldnt do anything about it…

Fuck Frank Clark.

its comments like these that are just dumb, and make it worse for everyone else.

The mustang raced on his own behalf, sorry it he crashed as a result. Like it said, there was no proof of contact between the vehicles. They were both dumb, but not at fault for each other. I don’t care how you rationalize it.

Reckless driving and speed contest. PERIOD.
Its not the neons fault the mustag can’t drive. (no scorn intended)


throw the book at him i would say. he deserves it.

I love that all of the people that don’t like this are suddenly accomplished lawyers. Why don’t you all show up at the trial and add your arguments to his defense?

Regardless of what you think or feel Under the manslaughter statute, a person must perceive the risk and consciously disregard that his conduct could cause the death of another person.

Does it suck? Hell yeah. I think it’s shitty to slap manslaughter on him for this.

I also think that it sucks when rapists & murderers get 10 years jailtime where as someone distributing crack / coke / weed / etc will get 25 to life. And I don’t partake in any of that shit.

It’s your legal system. You don’t like it? CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE


Sounds like your employees are as responsible as the co-racer.


criminal negligence, homicide, and manslaughter are 3 completley different things first of all.

ANYTHING having to do with homicide would mean he pre-planned killing these 2 people.

manslaughter-he was the cause for someone else’s accidental death. the neon driver was NOT the cause of the mustang drivers and his gfs death, the driver losing control @ rediculous speeds and hitting a pole was the CAUSE of their death.

how could you possibly charge someone with manslaughter when they have NO DIRECT CAUSE of the death? Stupidity of the mustang driver was cause of death, not the neon driver.

say 2 people are involved in a head on car crash. one of the driver dies. the driver who dies was: not wearing a seatbelt, and was making an attempted pass over a double yellow line. Now are you going to convict the other driver who did not die of manslaughter? he was not at fault, he just happened to be hit by the other driver.

Not wearing a seat belt- illegal
crossing a double yellow line- illegal

mustang driver- speeding - illegal
mustang driver- streetracing- illegal

how can you convict the other driver when he was not the DIRECT cause of the crash? in both scenarios, the driver who died was at fault

although the neon and and mustang driver were both streetracing and speeding, was it the neons fault that the mustang driver chose to speed and streetrace? did the neon driver have any influence on the mustang losing control over HIS OWN vehicle?

if the answer is no, then he cannot be convicted* with anything related to murder.


apparently, according to the DISTRICT ATTORNEY, you’re wrong.


what i meant to say is convicted lol i got tired after all that typing

Let me start this with a big fuck that shit!!! for all of you that want to throw the book at the kid. Idont thing that there is one person on this site that can honestly say throw the book at him without thinking back to some time in their lives that they can relate to his situation and say wow i could be droping the soap right now. WTF lets be realistic granted that some of you may have pathetic boring lives but come on. I know the legality of the situation however i also know that we are still human and we have the ability to reason. We are not preprogramed with a set of laws, nor are we unable to to adapt to certain situations. My ability of reason tells me that if we are going to throw the book at him then get out two more because the sales rep and the finance girl might as well get sized up for their orange jump suit. You know what every dealership should have a driving test for every customer that buys a car. hey let me get you in this fast, heavy, and very poor handling car that you cant drive, don’ worrie you will be fine :roll:$$$. Lets say he stalled in front of a semi and died whos fault is that. Whats next seriously am i going to get tickets for cursing like in that movie with selvester stallone. If you all want boring live without individual choice and “freedom” let me kno im moving to an island where i can take risks!
To an extent (this is said to make a point not to sound like a badass. i do not promote drunk driving ect…)

we sold the kid the car 2 days prior and it really screwed up the salesrep and the finance girl who did the paperwork. They both felt really guilty and still do because he wasn’t totally comfortable driving the car and they knew it.

Are you F’in kidding me. Since your employee’s feel bad the kid should be charged with manslaughter???

Wow I used to have a decent opinion of the Basil’s.

How the fuck can we instill personal responsibilty in society when the friggn DA can’t even grasp this concept

oasis, you sir do not know how to read

since when is the purpose of a dealership to make the decision whether or not to sell a car to an inexperienced driver? their job is to sell cars to whoever has the finances.

if anything, it should be required in order to buy a manual car, and drive it on a public road, the owner shall have to pass a roadtest while driving a manual, so these things do not happen due to inexperienced driving

you do not know how to comprehend what you are reading. Cliff Notes for you i was making a point that if you are going to throw the book at him then the sales rep at the dealership could also be charged.

How, in any way could the dealership be charged/fined for their deaths? The workers just feel guilty because they sold him the car.

the death had nothing to do with the dealership. do you know how many deaths occur everyday because of vehicle accidents? every dealer in america would be charged.

its not like the dealership sold him a flawed car, the car did not cause the accident, the driver did. if it was something to do with the car, then maybe the dealership could be responsible since they inspect the cars before sale

how can the sales rep be charged when she didnt know he was going to race?

This thread has downward spiraled.
I dont see people making a movement to have kill stories changed into track only.

Meh. It’s the same people that were once street racers or did other various potentially harmful things that say “throw the book at him.” Just hypocrites and there’s nothing you can tell them. Basically like Born Again Christians.