EXHAUST work NEEDS.. (changed from service needed)

hey darryl, just wanted you to know i sent bob with the new white and orange stripe camaro to get that exhaust put on, said he might be getting in today to have you guys put it on for him

Yeah man,Thanks a ton. We installed it today, but it’s still not loud enough…we put on the loud available which eliminated the big center muffler…but those damm CATS are drownding the thing.

Needs headers and High flows…then I think we’ll be where he wants it…

It does sound great,but need a little rap to it…

Thanks again


Just get the muffler you want…We’ll stick it on there…she’ll be nice. Good to see you today!


what size did we decide that pipe was? checking out mufflers now

yea i heard it after you guys put it on, he stopped by the store. 100% agree with it needing headers and high flows

Small like 1 3/4 or 2" we can get a reducer if we nee too…