External hard drive problem

I have a SimpleTech Simpledrive 500gb external hard drive that I’ve had for about 1.5 years. It has worked perfectly until today. I tried to open it and it says:

“F:\ is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.”

Any ideas? When I restart my computer it loads and goes through the autoplay like always and shows up under my computer but won’t open.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


its corrupt, just like it says. try a recovery program or you have to format the hard drive.

edit: btw, formatting a corrupted drive isnt normally recommended since they noramlly have a larger chance of corrupting again.

run a copy of spinrite on it, and see what it does.

If its only a year old, the hard drive inside the case should be under warranty.

Do you have important information on it? Bring it to me, I’ll take a look at it for you…

Don’t try anything if you are afraid to lose stuff.

I will take it apart and see what’s up. I can only try a few things and I don’t know that brand, but it may be O.K. if the enclosure is the problem.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see you’re in Vegas.

Try opening a command prompt. Type CHKDSK F: /R and see if maybe the file system has an error causing the problem.

Or, open it up and plug the drive directly into your computer motherboard. Perhaps the enclosure circuitry went bad?

I reinstalled the drivers for it and it works again. I didn’t lose any information or anything. Stupid computer stuff. Thanks for the help guys. :tup: