Extreme Home Makeover: Buffalo Edition



And my favorite:

All of you, “Ooooh, I’m gunna be a helping hand”, I applaud your desire to help, just question your choice of charity.

Personally, I think your time would be much better spent doing something like this:

I volunteered there once and while yes, you do get some assholes who just grab and take without so much as a smile you also get a lot of people who are genuinely thankful and you know come Christmas morning it will make a real difference for some kids. I’ll be honest and say I haven’t donated time there in a long time but we always pick up a few things for their collections each year.

habitat for humanity > this

you are not helping anyone with shit. This isn’t a charity, it is a TV network PROFITING A SHITLOAD OF MONEY with the help of a whole lot of slaves.

Since no one clicks links, I’ll post the image from smoking gun…

If you can read that email from ABC and not feel dirty watching the show, well, :tup: to you I guess.

^If that’s really true…then they are fucked-up

it’s TV…this program is run by a FOR PROFIT organization. what did you think?

I’ve never seen the show but, they must be pulling in some serious bank if they can give away $500,000 homes.

I’m pretty desensitized when it comes to the horrors of big business and show business but it gives me the creeps picturing them sitting around discussing what tragedy will get the most ratings.

“What about the family with the two kids with cancer?”
“Well, both of them are probably going to recover, so that won’t be a big ratings pull. Now if one were to die, they’d be in the running. If one got raped and the other killed, fuck, we’ll run that during sweeps week and might even catch American Idol in the ratings”.

$500,000 is NOTHING in major network TV. Particularly where you don’t have to pay big-time actors or anything.

They also are sponsored like crazy, so I’m sure Sears, Home Depot, Lowes or whomever are their sponsors are kicking in lots of money to get their names seen on TV. So the show isn’t even shelling out the whole $500k or whatever the sum ends up being.

Can’t wait to see Byron Brown and Antwone Thompson take credit for everything involved in getting the family the home.

In regards to having the house go to the family that lost their house and husband with the plane crash in Clarence. Sympathetic to their loss, but they don’t need the house. They are going to be financially set once the lawyers get a settlement from the airlines. I’m more in support of a family that is struggling yet involved to try and improve their situations and involved in the community. Once they decide on a family, you know for certain that the rumors and gossip will start up.

They will get their fair share of volunteers. I’ll stick with volunteering at Child and Family Services and other local charities. There’s going to be so many people sitting around scratching their asses at Extreme Home.

I’m placing my bet on inner Buffalo or stretching out to the boonies in the Southtowns.

We are preparing Five 30 yard cans for this show right now at were i work… 3 are done and 2 more to go.I layed the stickers on two of them.These cans are “used” and were kinda beat.We had to do some patch/prep work to them before they could go out.

BTW i work for Waste Management.

From what i have gatherd,after the cans are filled and dumped,they will be ‘sent back’ for the entire block to fill,free of charge to the public.

I just hope this works out for everyone involved…

Meh. Some are OK, but I see some where you just know that 6 months down the road it’s going to be the same clusterfuck as before, just in a bigger house.

The ones where they give a sick kid a house built to accommodate his condition or something like that, I can see the value.

But when they give a $500k home with $20k in taxes and utility bills to a family on a $15k income that thought it would be a good idea to adopt 20 kids, I cringe.

Got my email yesterday saying they’d be contacting me in the near future regarding where and when to go help out :tup:

So…basically, they contacted me to let me know they’d be contacting me.

I was just told they are on the upper west side.
Mass. + Plymouth <–spl? :picard:

I’ll be at the house 9pm-1am tuesday.

i’ll be doing mornings there since i work 2nd shift, 3-11 at my paid job.

I’ve been talking with Ann Cummings over there, about doing some special metal work for them.
We’ll see how things go o.O


Original story on family from early 2009

well i registered

I registered last week and they sent me an email saying they would contact me back if they needed me. I guess they didn’t because I was contacted. I’ll be going down there sometime during the week and possibly when they show they family.